SGD$55.90SGD$79.90 (-30%)
Also known as: Shining Inheritance
Main cast:
Han Hyo Joo as Go Eun Sung
Lee Seung Ki as Sun Woo Hwan
Bae Soo Bin as Park Jun Se
Moon Chae Won as Yoo Sung Mi
Director: Jin Hyuk
Total Episodes: 28
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: SBS
Release Date: 3/11/09
Production Year: 2009
Running Time: Approx. 1680 min (28 Episodes)
No. of Disc:
Technical Infomation
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Go Eun Sung’s life is similar to Cinderella’s. After her father died, her step-mother, Baek Sung Hee, took away all of her assets and her younger brother, Eun Woo, suddenly disappears without a trace. Despite this, Eun Sung preservers and works really hard to fulfill her dreams. When the CEO of a food company, Jang Sook Ja, suffers amnesia and can’t remember who she is Eun Sung takes her in. However, Eun Sung does not know that she is the grandmother of Sun Woo Hwan, the man who she switched bags with at the airport. How will their constant bickering lead them to realize that they care more about each other than they let on?
高恩星是一個單純、美麗的女孩子,母親因病去世後,和父親及患有自閉症的弟弟一起生活。在她高中的時候父親再婚,恩誠從此多了一個沒有血緣關係的妹妹柳承美。繼母白承希是個城府極深的女人,表面上對恩誠姐弟關愛有加,但卻是個非常愛錢的女人。恩誠父親的建設公司出現財務危機,他的往來銀行也拒絕再貸款給他,他前往朋友公司週轉資金回家途中,被搶匪攻擊洗劫了身上所有財物。當恩誠父親醒來後,卻在一家雜貨店的電視上看到自己死亡的消息。原來搶匪戴著從他身上洗劫來的財務去唱KTV ,卻意外燒死在發生火災的店內,接到警方來電前往認屍的恩誠繼母,只憑著搶匪手上的戒指和手錶,認定死者就是自己的丈夫。繼母想起恩誠父親投保巨額的意外險,因此在她領取保險金之後,將恩誠和恩宇姊弟趕出家門…。偶然的機會恩誠救了振盛食品公司的張淑子社長,因此她進入了真誠食品工作,經過一番努力之後,終於成功,並得到了屬於自己的愛情。
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