SGD$56.90SGD$79.90 (-29%)
Also Known as: I miss you
Main cast: Yoon Eun-hye 尹恩惠, Park Yoo-chun 朴有天, Yoo Seung-ho 俞承豪
Director: Lee Jae Dong, Park Jae Bum
Total Episodes: 21
Genre: Romance, Melodrama, Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
Audio Tracks: Mandarin &Korean
Subtitle: Chinese & English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 23/05/2013
Production Year: 2012
Running Time: Approx. 945 min (21 Episodes)
No. of Disc: 5
Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
15-year-old Soo-Yeon (Kim So-Hyun) is a victim of bullying at school. They target her, because her father is a murderer. Soo-Yeon has an ally in Jung-Woo (Yeo Jin-Ku), who always protects her from the bullies. Soo-Yeon and Jung-Woo are in love, but due to an unexpected accident they become separated. Now as adults they meet again through destiny.
Jung-Woo (Park Yoo-Chun) is now a detective and his first love has always remained in the back of his mind. Soo-Yeon (Yoon Eun-Hye) is now a rookie fashion designer who tries to have a bright personality, but still carries emotional scars inside of her. Hyung-Joon (Yoo Seung-Ho) is Soo-Yeon’s lover, who appears warm and nice, but he will try to take vengeance upon Jung-Woo.
15岁的李秀妍(尹恩惠 饰)因被贴上“杀人犯女儿”的标签后在学校被孤立,总是缩着肩低着头行走。直到遇到愿意和自己当朋友的韩正宇(朴有天 饰)一切才变得不一样。一个雨天,正宇被绑架了,前去营救的秀妍也一起被带走。有着贩毒和强奸犯前科的绑架犯对秀妍实施了强暴。在绑架犯没在看守的短暂时间,正宇挣脱开绳子,看了看秀妍便因害怕自己逃走了,从此再也没有见过秀妍……
14年后,成为重案组刑警的正宇为了抚平那段伤痛,全身心地投入到追捕犯人的工作中。从巴黎回来的秀妍成为了有着不为人知的痛苦的时尚设计师zoe。姜亨俊(俞承豪 饰)为了逃离要杀害自己的正宇父亲韩泰准而不得已四处躲藏,与母亲生生离别。而那段日子里与秀妍相遇就是人生的另一个幸福。金恩珠(张美仁爱 饰)为了能抓住杀死父亲的凶手努力想成为警察,却三次考试落榜。除了对父亲深深的思念,就是一厢情愿的单恋正宇。四人今后会有如何交错的命运
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