McDull: Me & My Mum 麥兜·我和我媽媽 (DVD)


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这是一个有关「成长」 和「进化」的故事。究竟天生蠢钝运泄兼没有自信的麥兜,如何锐变成今日,身手不凡醒目有型驰名国际的超级神探呢?一切就由麥太讲起



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McDull: Me & My Mum 麥兜·我和我媽媽

It all begins with mom, Madame Mak. As money seems always in short supply, Madame Mak is always working: hosting TV shows, selling house ware and doubling as plumber. She takes Bobby along, and Bobby who is both dumb and unlucky, always messes up. But Madame Mak has too much spunk for life and love for her Bobby.

Bobby remembers especially two incidents: his one-time ingenuity that wins the lottery, though that never translate to fancy clothes or trips to Japan or mom not working: and NASA summoning Madame Mak on a space mission, and Bobby is entrusted to the care of an Uncle whom Bobby never meets again.

Bobby finishes school and becomes a seaman. His travels take him away from mom and he doesn’t think about her much. Then he enters university and becomes a detective. Madame Mak continues to work, until she receives another summon from NASA…

McDull: Me & My Mum 麥兜·我和我媽媽 Trailer

Product Information
Audio: Cantonese and Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2014
Running Time: Approx. 81 Mins
Number of Discs: 1 DVD

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