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Product Information
主演: 陈展鹏 / 吴若希 / 洪永城 / 戴祖仪 / 蔡洁 / 傅嘉莉 / 吴业坤 / 陈星妤 / 吴沚默
导演: 黄国辉 / 钟澍佳 / 陈海斌
Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese / English
Release Date: 2/12/2023
Rated: PG13
Number of Episodes: 20
Number of Disc: 4 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
徐港仁(陈展鹏 饰)任职物业管理公司高层,凭着小聪明、圆滑的交际手腕,以及过人的运气,大学毕业后一直扶摇直上、步步高升,堪称“人生胜利组”。仁奉行“佛系”主义,不求有功、但求轻松,未料因投资失利而令身家暴跌,影响其退休计划。沮丧之际,竟获委派到北京分公司出任CEO一年,仁毅然一搏,与太太Helen一同北上。上班的第一天,仁即遇上语言和文化差异,宿敌更成为自己的上司!与此同时,仁的弟妹Laymond和Bowie因各自的原因而先后踏足陌生的北京,并投靠兄嫂。四人集思广益,将仁筹备的计划打造成一个文创园区,吸引自称怀才不遇的编剧、梦想登上舞台的女团、没钱交租的时装达人等等……为了带动园区的发展,各人出谋献计,在过程中,他们认识了不少本地人及“北漂”,令他们对爱情、生活,甚至人生都有新的体会和感悟。
Tsui Gong-Yan, a senior executive of a property management company, took advantage of luck and his career was going smoothly. However, he and his wife Helen Kwong accidentally fell into an investment scam and suffered heavy losses. Gong-Yan was assigned to the Beijing branch as CEO, and saw this as an opportunity to turn around, so he and Helen went north to develop, but unexpectedly they encountered a mid-life crisis. Gong-Yan was forced to stay behind for the sake of face due to the rise and fall of his old enemy Ding Chi-Keung. He later met Sophie, whom he had not seen for many years, and his marriage faced a test. Food internet celebrity Tsui Gong-Man and street singer Tsui Bo-Yi each have their own reasons for moving north to join their eldest brother Gong-Yan. The family brainstorms and plans to transform an abandoned transformer factory into a cultural and creative park. Hong Kong people who are “Buddhist” must seriously fight a tough battle in life!