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1965 (Singapore Movie DVD)
Starring: Qi Yuwu 戚玉武, Deanna Yusoff, Joanne Peh 白薇秀, James Seah 谢俊峰, Sezairi Sezali, Mike Kasem, Lim Kay Tong 林祺堂
Directed By: Randy Ang, Daniel Yun 云晖翔
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 English/Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG13
Studio: MM2 Entertainment
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: November 2021
Production Year: 2015
Running Time: Approx. 130 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Blu-ray version can be found here
Synopsis 剧情简介
‘1965’ is a riveting dramatic thriller that uses a piece of Singapore history like never before. Telling engaging and touching stories of immigrants and natives; how a group of people, divided by race, language and religion, saw their lives profoundly transformed by a defining moment in history. Their paths will cross and clash in the race riots during the months leading to the separation from Malaysia, and to the independence of Singapore.
1965 是一部描寫新加坡如何走過動蕩不安的年代,邁向獨立的電 影。當時的新加坡在面對種族的分歧、不同的語言和宗教信仰的差 異和衝突,引發了種族暴動,人們過著水生火熱之中,生活非常艱 辛。電影通過不同種族的主角,看他們如何擺脫各種困難,撇開各 種種族差異,團結起來,帶領新加坡走向獨立的道路。