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Hello World 你好世界 (DVD)
Voice of: Takumi Kitamura 北村匠海, Tōri Matsuzaka 松坂桃李, Minami Hamabe 濱邊美波
Directed By: Tomohiko Itō 伊藤智彦
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Japanese
Subtitles: English and Chinese
Rated: PG13
Studio: Clover Films
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 26 November 2020
Production Year: 2019
Running Time: Approx. 98 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Even if the world was about to break down, I want to see you again
Synopsis 剧情简介
The film is set in Kyoto in the year 2027. The main character is Naomi Katagaki (Takumi Kitamura), a male high school student. One day, a person who calls himself Naomi (Tori Matsuzaka) 10 years from now appears in front of the young Naomi. Together, they must change the future and save a classmate, Ruri (Minami Hamabe), whom the younger Naomi starts to date in three months.
故事以2027年的京都為舞台,高中生堅書直實(北村匠海)與來自10年後的自己(松坂桃李)相遇,對方是為了見他而特意前來,加上同班女同學一行瑠璃(濱邊美波) ,在交錯的未來現在世界,三人走遍京都名勝,帶出超越時空的故事。