Underworld: Blood Wars (DVD)
In the next installment of the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies, David (Theo James) and his father Thomas (Charles Dance), she must stop the eternal war between Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Underworld: Blood Wars Synopsis
In the next installment of the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies, David (Theo James) and his father Thomas (Charles Dance), she must stop the eternal war between Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Underworld: Blood Wars Trailer
Product Information
Audio: English, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai 5.1 (Dolby Digital)
Subtitles: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, English SDH, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese
Rated: M18
Release Date: 2017
Running Time: Approx. 91 Mins
Number of Discs: 1 DVD
Special Features
- Old & New Blood
- Evil Evolved