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The Disaster Artist (Blu-ray)
Based on the making of Tommy Wiseau’s cult-classic disaster piece The Room (“The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made”), James Franco (Golden Globe winner: Best Actor, 2018) transforms the tragicomic true-story of aspiring filmmaker and infamous Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau-an artist who passion was sincere as his methods were questionable-into a celebration of friendship, artistic expression, and dreams pursued against insurmountable odds.
The Disaster Artist Synopsis
Based on the making of Tommy Wiseau’s cult-classic disaster piece The Room (“The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made”), James Franco (Golden Globe winner: Best Actor, 2018) transforms the tragicomic true-story of aspiring filmmaker and infamous Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau-an artist who passion was sincere as his methods were questionable-into a celebration of friendship, artistic expression, and dreams pursued against insurmountable odds.
The Disaster Artist Trailer
Product Information
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1: English and Brazilian Portuguese
Subtitles: English, Cantonese, Complex Chinese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish and Thai
Rated: M18
Release Date: 2018
Running Time: Approx. 103 Mins
Number of Discs: 1 Blu-ray
Special Features
- Feature Commentary with James Franco, Dave Franco, Tommy Wiseau, Greg Sestero, Scott Neustadtler, and Michael H. Weber
- Oh, Hi Mark: Making a Disaster
- Directing a Disaster
- Just a Guy Leaning on a Wall: Getting to Know Tommy