So Young 致我们终将逝去的青春 (DVD)


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Starring: 趙又廷 Mark Chao, 韩庚 Han Geng, 杨子姗 Yang Zi Shan, 江疏影 Jiang Shu Ying
Directed By: 赵薇
Audio Tracks: Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese

Rated: PG13
Studio: Scorpio East
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: 3
Release Date: 2013
Production Year: 2013
Running Time: Approx. 130 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD

SKU: LS01738 Categories: ,

改编自着名作家 辛夷坞 同名小说

Synopsis 剧情简介

18岁的郑微(杨子姗 饰)终于如愿考上青梅竹马大哥哥林静(韩庚 饰)就所在学校的邻校,满怀期冀,岂料他出国留学,杳无音信。郑微倍受打击,患难时刻与室友阮莞(江疏影 饰)、朱小北、黎维娟及师哥老张结下深厚友谊。一次误会使郑微与老张室友陈孝正(赵又廷 饰)结为死敌,在一次次地反击中,郑微惊讶地发现自己爱上了这个表面冷酷、内心善良的高材生,而陈孝正也终于投降,欢喜冤家终成甜蜜恋人。毕业在即,陈孝正为前途瞒着郑微选择出国留学,感觉再次被骗的郑微痛苦地离开……多年后,郑微已蜕变为职场上的白领丽人,她将怎样面对生活和青春赐予她的迷雾和抉择……

In the brink of the 90s, 18-year-old Zheng Wei steps into her university life with a hopeful heart for love. She forms a great friendship with her roommates and united as a group, they embark on their university life together. Wei meets Chen Xiao-Zheng in a chance encounter, and despite initial reluctance, Chen accepts Wei as his girlfriend and the two become inseparable.

Four years of university life pass and Wei looks forward to establishing a life together with Chen. However, Chen is forced into an impossible decision to leave Wei. Devastated, Wei decides to start afresh. A decade later, Wei’s previous lovers Lin and Chen both find their way back into her life and she has to make a choice of her next step in life.

Trailer 预告片

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