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Sky Hunter 空天猎 (DVD)
Wu Di (Lu Chen), Ya Li (Fan Bing Bing), Ling Weifeng (Wang Qian Yuan), Hao Chen (Li Jia Hang), are air force pilots. During the parade, they receive a sudden test to be selected to train in the air force’s secret base called Sky Hunter. Wu Di and Ling Weifeng passed the test, whereas Hao Chen was eliminated. Through a series of training, Wu Di and four other soldiers made it to the Sky Hunter secret base. However, news broke that Hao Chen has been captured by the rebel army of B country. Wu Di leads several recruits and receives a video of Hao Chen from B Country. Ling Weifeng promised Wu Di to attack B Country and rescue Hao Chen. An air war was imminently brewing…
一场空天战场的猎杀传奇。霸天狼,一支神秘的空军顶级团队,每一名飞行员都是“金头盔” 级别的王牌飞行员,吴迪(李晨饰)、亚莉(范冰冰饰)、巴图(郭洺宇饰)、高原(李晨浩饰)通过层层考核,成为了霸天狼秘密基地的一员。可谁也没有想到,吴迪的好友浩 辰(李佳航饰)却在任务中陷入一场境外战乱的阴谋。更大的威胁接踵而至,恐怖势力突 发其来的导弹危机和人质危机,空前地挑战着中国空军的实战能力!十万火急之下,最新式 的中国战机和最顶级的飞行员,与掌握导弹密码和先进战机的敌人,在境外天空展开一场生死对决……
Sky Hunter 空天猎
Wu Di (Lu Chen), Ya Li (Fan Bing Bing), Ling Weifeng (Wang Qian Yuan), Hao Chen (Li Jia Hang), are air force pilots. During the parade, they receive a sudden test to be selected to train in the air force’s secret base called Sky Hunter. Wu Di and Ling Weifeng passed the test, whereas Hao Chen was eliminated. Through a series of training, Wu Di and four other soldiers made it to the Sky Hunter secret base. However, news broke that Hao Chen has been captured by the rebel army of B country. Wu Di leads several recruits and receives a video of Hao Chen from B Country. Ling Weifeng promised Wu Di to attack B Country and rescue Hao Chen. An air war was imminently brewing…
一场空天战场的猎杀传奇。霸天狼,一支神秘的空军顶级团队,每一名飞行员都是“金头盔” 级别的王牌飞行员,吴迪(李晨饰)、亚莉(范冰冰饰)、巴图(郭洺宇饰)、高原(李晨浩饰)通过层层考核,成为了霸天狼秘密基地的一员。可谁也没有想到,吴迪的好友浩 辰(李佳航饰)却在任务中陷入一场境外战乱的阴谋。更大的威胁接踵而至,恐怖势力突 发其来的导弹危机和人质危机,空前地挑战着中国空军的实战能力!十万火急之下,最新式 的中国战机和最顶级的飞行员,与掌握导弹密码和先进战机的敌人,在境外天空展开一场生死对决……
Sky Hunter 空天猎 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: Li Chen 李晨, Fan Bing Bing 范冰冰, Wang Qian Yuan 王千源, Li Jia Hang 李佳航, Da Zhao 赵达, Leon Lee 李晨浩, Guo Ming Yu 郭洺宇, Ye Liu 叶浏, Lu Si Yu 陆思宇
Audio: Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG13
Release Date: 2019
Running Time: Approx. 116 Mins
Number of Discs: 1 DVD