2 × SGD$48.90
2 × SGD$55.90
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1 × SGD$19.90
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1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$76.90
1 × SGD$34.90
1 × SGD$22.90
1 × SGD$39.90
Wonder Women 多功能老婆 (TVB Drama DVD9)
SGD$55.90SGD$79.90 (-30%)
Starring: 楊千嬅 Miriam Yeung, 周柏豪 Pakho Chau, 黃浩然 Raymond Wong, 陳煒 Alice Chan, 洪永城 Tony Hung, 朱晨麗 Rebecca Zhu, 王梓軒 Jonathan Wong, 袁文傑 Andrew Yuen, 于淼 Maggie Yu, 梁舜燕 Lily Leung, 張國強 Cheung Kwok Keung, 黎燕珊 Lai Yin Shan
Special Appearance: 許紹雄 Hui Shiu Hung, 黃錦燊 Melvin Wong, 苗可秀 Nora Miao
Directed by: 陳寶華
Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 05 October 2020
Production Year: 2019
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 5 DVDs
Synopsis 剧情简介
LAM FEI (Miriam Yeung) is a beautiful, trendy yet cheerful “Wonder Women” housewife. She and her husband, an architect SHEUNG KIM-HUNG (Raymond Wong) and a smart and active sonSHEUNG KAI-KAIare living a happy life. LAM FEI has two buddies, a career woman, MAN FUNG-WAH (Alice Chan) and a pretty and wealthy wife MA SEE-LUI(Rebecca Zhu). Each of this trio has her own ideas about romance and encounter different up and down of love. KIM-HUNG develops his career. He takes a shelter in mainland and abandons his family after having an affair. LAM FEI suffers a huge blow and she has to bring up her son by herself so she sublets her flat. A tall, handsome and rich guy, YUNG HO-TIN (Pakho Chau) becomes her tenant. They often tease each other and end up in hilarious situations. By chance, LAM FEI changes from a housewife to a celebrity chef, HO-TIN becomes her angel in helping LAM FEI to build up a culinary career. A heartless man causes a woman to feel hopeless. Another affectionate man makes her feel optimistic again. This moment, KIM-HUNG returns to seek reunion.HO-TIN is also proactive and the triangle relationship is remain in a deadlock!
藍飛(楊千嬅飾)是一位美麗時尚、開朗率真的「多功能」主婦,有一個愛她的建築師丈夫尚劍雄(黃浩然飾),一個活潑聰明的兒子尚啟佳,生活美滿。藍飛還有兩位好閨密:女強人萬風華(陳煒飾) 及美麗富太馬思蕾(朱晨麗飾),三女的性格和愛情觀南轅北轍,愛情路上各有起跌。劍雄全身投入開拓事業,被揭發出軌後拋妻棄子,出走內地。藍飛像折翼墮地的天使,獨力帶著兒子生活,遂把沒供完的新樓房分租,與高富帥租客榮浩田(周柏豪飾)經常鬥氣,笑料百出。機緣巧合下,藍飛由煮婦變成名廚,浩田即化作雙翼助她建立廚藝事業。女人因男人的絕情而枯萎,又因另一男人的深情而再次盛放。此時,劍雄回歸復婚,浩田亦主動出擊,三角關係僵持不下!