Law dis-Order 律政強人 (TVB Drama DVD)
SGD$56.90SGD$79.90 (-29%)
Law dis-Order centers its story on two authority and money-hungry lawyers, and how their obsession for power pushes them further and further away from morality. This drama brings back award-winning veteran actors Alex Fong (方中信) and Liu Kai-chi (廖啟智) in their first collaboration together at TVB.
《律政强人》是由香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作,罗永贤监制,方中信、廖启智、黄智雯、李佳芯、刘丹、钟景辉等主演的时装法律剧。 有人说法律的基本精神是维护公义,然而在功利挂帅的现实社会,法律被视作巧取豪夺的利刃。律师身为把关者,有多少能够按着良心,守住公义的底线? 该剧讲述律师行老板卓继尧因担心被下属刘谨昌谋朝篡位,遂招揽张强加入以牵制对方,展开律师楼内一场权力游戏的故事。
Law dis-Order 律政強人(aka Legal Strongman) Trailer 精彩预告
Technical Information
Format: NTSC
DVD: DVD-9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Language: Cantonese / Mandarin
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Number of Episodes: 28
Law dis-Order 律政強人(aka Legal Strongman) Synopsis 剧情简介
As the co-founder of the Chinese law firm Donald & Co., Charles Cheuk (Lau Dan), has been a chairman of its committee for many years. Though he had promised his managing partner KC Lau (Liu Kai-chi) that he would step down, Charles hires the money-minded lawyer Kent Cheung (Alex Fong) as a new partner for the firm, hoping that he would be able to counterbalance KC’s growing obsession for authority.
KC had built up great influence in his years with Donald & Co. His associates include the lablled lawyers Duncan Yam (Raymond Cho) and Martha Fong (Mandy Wong). With Patricia Lee (Florence Kwok) and Nick Chau (Matthew Ho) as Kent’s only strong suits, KC assumed he had the upper edge in their game of power.
However, a traffic accident catches KC off guard, and Kent takes advantage of the situation. He gets himself a lucrative offer from Charles, who promotes Kent to senior partner. During this time, Kent re-encounters assistant solicitor Hazel Cheuk (Ali Lee), and they develop a close mentor-student friendship.
Feeling his power ebbing away, KC becomes a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. But while fighting for control, a toothless tiger comes out from under the radar, ready to seek revenge.
张强是法律界的神话,法庭上战绩彪炳,但执业二十年一直独力经营着小型事务所K.Cheung & Co.。全公司只有他、秘书李少桦、徒弟周力行三人。张强重视金钱与名利,适逢香港最大华资律师事务所Donald & Co.的资深委员会主席卓继尧看中了张强,邀请加入其创办的香港最大华资律师事务所Donald & Co,用作制衡野心勃勃的刘谨昌;谨昌早年是证监会的高层,拥有政商背景和强大人脉,吸引继尧以让出Donald & Co.委员会主席做条件,力邀谨昌成为Donald & Co.的执行合伙人。谨昌在妻子汪凯琳帮助下,登上另一事业高峰。后来他发现继尧毫无让位打算,于是在公司培植势力,包括保荐除牌大状任伟梁转职做事务律师,再破格擢升资历短浅的方宁做高级合伙人,图谋逼宫。万事俱备,谨昌最后一步就是启动一宗大型企业上市计划,赚取踢走继尧的本钱。可是,张强在这关键时刻竟作拦路虎,打乱谨昌的所有预算。一场非战不可的律政对奕,成为谨昌、张强互相敌视的导火线。于是,张强及刘谨昌在律师楼里进行了一次又一次交锋。
Law dis-Order 律政強人(aka Legal Strongman) Image Gallery 精彩剧照

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