Girlie Days 她她她的少女時代 (TVB Drama DVD9)

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Starring: 田蕊妮 (Kristal Tin)、李思捷 (Johnson Lee)、曹永廉 (Raymond Cho)、姚嘉妮 (Claire Yiu)、李國麟 (Joseph Lee)、羅天宇 (Joey Law)、林凱恩 (Iris Lam)、梁芷珮 (Christy Leung)、韋家雄 (Willie Wai)、胡楓 (Bowie Wu)
Directed by: 廖晉碩
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: NC16
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 08 October 2019
Production Year: 2018
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 


Synopsis 剧情简介

After years of hard toiling, middle-aged FONG YING-FUNG (Kristy Tin) encounters drastic change in her life! Divorced and unemployed, plus her daughter leaving the nest, she is lost. Despite resistance, she finds her physical strength declines, losing touch with society. As a daughter, wife, and mother, she forgets that during her girlhood, she was once a hot-blooded, bold and frenetic rock and roll fan! Compared to her wild youth days, twenty years of life’s necessities have changed her beyond recognition. Unexpectedly, she re-encounters her idol whom she was obsessed with! Now, her idol is not only in predicament, but also has an on-again, off-again relationship with her own husband. All these setbacks and impacts in her life force her to face past failures, getting back on her feet to inspire herself and those around her. Singing many touching songs, a group of dejected middle-aged men and women start afresh, for themselves, to live again!

人到中年, 營役半生, 方迎風(田蕊妮飾)的人生卻迎來遽變! 失婚失業, 女兒離巢, 她迷失、 她頑抗, 卻體力衰退、 與社會脫節。 身為別人的女兒、 老婆、 老媽, 她卻忘了少女時代, 也曾是個熱血勇悍、 瘋狂追星的搖滾樂迷! 二十年前的輕狂歲月, 二十年後的柴米油鹽, 面目全非的她, 竟重遇當年迷戀的偶像! 偶像潦倒不堪, 丈夫欲斷難斷, 種種挫折與衝擊, 迫使她直面過去的失敗, 重新振作, 激勵自己與身邊人。唱著一首首動人歌曲, 一群失意的中年男女, 再次出發, 為了自己, 再活一次!

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