The Journey: Our Homeland 信约:我们的家园 (MediaCorp Drama DVD9)
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The Journey: Our Homeland 信约:我们的家园 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: 陈泓宇 (Shaun Chen), 陈凤玲 (Felicia Chin), 瑞恩 (Rui En), 林慧玲 (Rebecca Lim), 陈罗密欧 (Andie Chen), 陈邦鋆 (Romeo Tan), 张振寰 ( Zhang Zhen Huan), 徐鸣杰 (Jeffrey Xu), 包勋评 (Shane Pow), 陈欣淇 (Julie Tan), 林明伦 (Darren Lim), 陈丽贞 (Aileen Tan)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG13
Release Date: 2015
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 30
Number of discs: 5 DVD-9
The Journey: Our Homeland 信约:我们的家园 Synopsis
The story will stretch across 20 years, depicting the journey of Singapore from post-independence to the prosperous 80s. Zhang Jia (Shaun Chen) and Ming Hui (Jeanette Aw) are now a married couple. They are expecting the arrival of their first child but Ming Hui dies during labour, leaving Zhang Jia devastated and helpless. On the account of her friendship with Ming Hui, Yang Mei Xue (Rui En) renders a helping hand to Zhang Jia and his son. After many trials and tribulations, both Mei Xue and Zhang Jia fall in love. But Mei Xue’s lover Yan Yi Sheng (Zhang Zhen Huan), whom she believes is dead, returns alive, leaving her to make a difficult choice.
Hong Dang Yong (Andie Chen) becomes a lawyer and sets up his own law firm. Zhang Yan (Romeo Tan) escapes from prison and kills Dang Yong out of rage and jealousy. Zhang Min (Felicia Chin) is shattered by her husband’s death, but eventually gets back up on her feet with the help of a ruffian, Dai Xiao Xiong (Darren Lim). With his help, Zhang Min opens a shop selling Peranakan cakes. Zhang Min dotes on Hong Rui (Jeffrey Xu) who is her son with Dang Yong. On the other hand, she is cold towards Hong Hong Kuan (Romeo Tan) who is conceived after being raped by Zhang Yan. In addition, she adopts two children from the Wan Family.
Singapore undergoes economic restructuring during the 70s, the Hong and Wan children have all grown up and all of them yearn for a better life. Life diverged into different paths for these spirited youths. How will they move on to strive and work towards building a blissful homeland?
故事横跨20年,从1966年新加坡独立后的百废待兴到80年代的欣欣向荣。张佳 (陈泓宇)与洪明慧 (欧萱)结婚,他们夫妇俩非常恩爱也期待着孩子的诞生。但好景不长,明慧不幸动了胎气,难产而死,让深爱她的张佳痛苦不已。面对着初生的儿子,张佳束手无策,但幸得杨美雪(瑞恩) 念着和明慧的交情,照顾他们父子。两人各自经历了人生和感情的历练,互相扶助间产生了极其微妙的感情。可是美雪万万也没想到,本以为已罹难的男朋友,严义生(张振寰),竟然出现在她的眼前!面对着旧爱与心上人,美雪不知如何选择。 洪当勇(陈邦鋆)当上了律师也开了一间律师行。不料,他却遭到张晏(陈罗密欧)的毒手,不幸惨死。张敏(陈凤玲)痛不欲生,但幸得流氓戴晓雄(林明伦)的帮助与扶持,在他的鼓励下开了一家娘惹糕点店。 张敏对与当勇所生的儿子洪锐(徐鸣杰)疼爱有加,对被张晏强暴后生下的洪宽(陈罗密欧)则不太友善。另外, 张敏也领养了万家四个孩子中的两个孩子。 迈入70年代的经济重组,新加坡的前途更加明朗,万家与洪家的孩子也渐渐长大了。他们人生际遇各不同,曾经迷失过,跌倒过,彼此也仇恨过,但在一番风风雨雨后,亲情战胜一切,最终团圆,和其他千千万万的新加坡家庭一样,努力共建幸福家园。
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