The Dream Makers II 志在四方II (MediaCorp Drama DVD9)
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The Dream Makers II 志在四方II Trailer
Product Information
Starring: 郑惠玉 (Zoe Tay), 李南星 (Li Nanxing), 黄碧仁 (Huang Biren), 欧萱 (Jeanette Aw), 瑞恩 (Rui En), 戚玉武 (Qi Yuwu), 陈罗密欧 (Romeo Tan), 陈欣淇 (Julie Tan), 张振寰 (Zhang Zhenhuan), 陳美鳳 (Chen Meifeng), 刘松仁 (Damian Lau)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2015
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 32
Number of discs: 5 DVD-9
The Dream Makers II 志在四方II Synopsis
《志在四方2》将延续第一系列的故事,讲述着演艺圈内的点点滴滴。周薇芸(郑惠玉)以成为戏剧组的 VP。新加入的 VP 林韬(李南星)与官谢恩(黄碧仁)工作表现非常突出,让薇芸感到压迫不已。但后来,她与谢恩却因为家庭困扰而成为可倾诉的好朋友。林韬的野心大,他为了达到目标而不惜一切代价。结果,一次的失误却让他后悔不已,也把他彻底瓦解了。
赵非儿(欧萱)已成为电台的阿姐,她羡慕好友方彤琳(瑞恩)的事业以及爱情生活,始终对旧情人 Jason Lam(戚玉武)念念不忘。非儿的生活一帆风顺,但同母异父的妹妹,董子怀(陈欣淇)的出现却让她遇到不少挫折。子怀设下布局,让彤琳认为 Jason 与非儿藕断丝连。彤琳伤心欲绝,狠心与 Jason 分手。因此,非儿被大家误以为是第三者,导致她的事业跌入谷底。
The Dream Makers story continues and it has been three years since Zhou Wei Yun (Zoe Tay) was transferred from the Variety department to the Drama department as VP. Her bosses decide to hire two new VPs Lin Tao (Li Nan Xing) and Guan Xie En (Huang Bi Ren). Their work performances greatly outshine Wei Yun’s, causing her to feel threatened. However, she slowly becomes good friends with Xie En as they share about their family troubles. Lin Tao is ambitious and will risk anything to achieve his goals. During an incident, he makes a rash move and suffers the consequences.
Zhao Fei Er (Jeanette Aw) is the reigning queen of the tv station, but she is envious of her good friend, Fang Tong Lin’s (Rui En) career and love life. Moreover, she has not gotten over her ex-boyfriend, Jason Lam (Qi Yu Wu), who is now Tong Lin’s boyfriend. Fei Er’s half-sister, Dong Zi Huai (Julie Tan), returns to Singapore and is jealous of Fei Er’s success. She deliberately sows discord between Tong Lin and Jason, making Fei Er out to be the third party. Tong Lin breaks off her engagement with Jason while Fei Er’s career took a dive.
How will each of these characters cope with the challenges of their career, love life and family? How will they survive in the exciting and yet unforgiving entertainment industry?
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