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1 × SGD$59.90
1 × SGD$45.00
C.L.I.F 3 警徽天职 3 (MediaCorp Drama DVD9)
SGD$45.00SGD$59.90 (-25%)
C.L.I.F. 3 (Chinese: 警徽天职3, short-form for Courage, Loyalty, Integrity, Fairness, commonly pronounced as cliff) is a Singaporean police procedural series produced and telecast on Mediacorp Channel 8 in collaboration with the Singapore Police Force. 《警徽天职3》(C.L.I.F. 3),新加坡新傳媒私人有限公司警匪电视剧,由李南星、瑞恩、戚玉武、白薇秀、黃俊雄、李美玲及蘇智誠領銜主演,監製為張龍敏,製作人爲郭令送。此劇為《警徽天職2》續集。
C.L.I.F 3 警徽天职 3 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: 瑞 恩 (Rui En), 李南星 (Li Nanxing), 戚玉武 (Qi Yuwu), 白薇秀 (Joanne Peh), 黃俊雄 (Elvin Ng), 李美玲 (Tracy Lee), 蘇智誠 (Cavin Soh)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2014
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 25
Number of discs: 5 DVD-9
C.L.I.F 3 警徽天职 3 Synopsis
Two Thai criminals masquerading as policemen break into an apartment. They get their cover blown by Zhang Guixiang (Elvin Ng), a traffic policeman. When Tang Yaojia (Qi Yu Wu) from the Police Intelligence Division confronts them, an intense firefight ensues. Meanwhile, Liao Xinyi (Joanne Peh) returns to Singapore after completing her stint with the peacekeeping mission. Despite her objections, Yaojia wants to continue their relationship. Unbeknownst to him, Xinyi was traumatised by a bombing incident and develops post-traumatic stress. Wei Lantian (Li Nan Xing), captain of the Specialised Crime Division of the C.I.D., comes across his old buddy Zhongzheng (Terence Cao) during a vice raid. Will these officers be able to deal with the struggles between their personal life and police duties?
当警方破门而入时,两名泰籍匪徒差点成功靠伪装脱身。误打误撞之下,交通警察张贵祥(黄俊雄)揭穿了他们的身份。来自警察情报组的唐耀佳(戚玉武)和匪徒正面冲突,经过一轮激战后被匪徒逃走了。另一方面,廖心怡(白薇秀)完成了海外的维和任务并回到新加坡。尽管她百般抗拒,耀佳坚持要重续前缘。但耀佳不知道,心怡在一场炸弹事件后患上了创伤后压力症候群。魏蓝天(李南星)是C.I.D.特别罪案调查组的组长。他在一次的罪案调查中碰上了旧友忠正 (曹国辉)。这些警务人员是否能够解决个人生活和警方任务之间的难题呢?
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