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I Am A Hero 喪屍末日戰 (DVD)
Starring: Yo Oizumi 大泉洋, Kasumi Arimura 有村架純, Masami Nagasawa 長澤雅美
Directed by: Shinsuke Sato 佐藤 信介
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Japanese
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: M18
Studio: Shaw
Disc Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2017
Production Year: 2015
Running Time: Approx. 127 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
A mysterious virus suddenly spreads throughout Japan causing widespread panic. People infeced with the virus rapidly transform into zombie-like creatures and are called ZQN (pronounced zokyun). The ZQN then attack people with superhuman strength and their victims eventually become ZQN as well. Hideo Suzuki (Yo Oizumi), a 35-year-old manga artist, happens to meet a female high school student, Hiromi Hayakari (Kasumi Arimura). They escape from the city together, despite Hayakari being bitten by a baby ZQN. However, the baby ZQN that bit her did not have teeth, resulting in her being half ZQN. The pair then meets Nurse Yabu (Masami Nagasawa) at a shelter. Yabu hopes she can draw an antibody from Hayakari.
電視新聞突然不停出現有人被咬的消息,直至一心希望成為著名漫畫家的鈴木英雄 (大泉洋飾)的同事和女友亦相繼受到感染,變成可怕的咬人狂魔。市內一片混亂,鈴木英雄救回被喪屍噬咬的高中女生比呂美 (有村架純飾),兩人結伴逃走,抵達市郊一大型購物商場,遇上曾任護士的藪 (長澤雅美飾)。他們靠商場的物資提供生活所需並建成一個小社區,共同抵抗前來襲擊的喪屍。藪希望能從比品美找到抗體。然而,小社區不久即被喪屍攻破,鈴木英雄,聯同比呂美及藪,必須為人類的最後生存機會奮戰!