Unknown Woman 이름없는여자 沒有名字的女人 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

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Do you see motherhood as a beautiful, selfless thing? Here’s a beautiful, selfless thing? Here’s a story maternal love. There are two mothers who have a strong bond with their child. Hong Jiwon holds hands with the devil to save her son. She gives away her money. And, because of her great affection towards her child, she finds herself in conflict with Son Yeori who is also a mother. Under the name of a mother, the two women know how to show mother’s instinctive love.


父親去世後,孫如莉(吳智恩 飾)被洪智媛(裴宗玉 飾)收養進入了WID集團一家。某一天,智媛的兒子海成的白血病復發了,急需如莉的幫助,而如莉恰巧患有身孕,為了保護自己的孩子離家出走了。智媛為了讓自己的孩子活下去,派了人去抓如莉,不曾想那人未能完成任務,發生了事故並和兒子海成相繼去世了。失去孩子的智媛發誓要讓如莉嘗受同樣的痛苦。考慮到智媛有可能加害於自己的孩子,如莉謊稱自己便是殺人兇手,並在監獄裡生下了一個女兒。恰巧在如莉把女兒送到監獄外的那天,智媛出現了。不久後,如莉收到了女兒逝去的通知,並下定決心向惡人報仇。


Unknown Woman 이름없는여자 沒有名字的女人 預告 Trailer

Product Information
Starring: Son Yeori (by Oh Jieun) 孫如莉-吳智恩 飾 & Hong Siwon (by Bae Jongok) 洪智媛-裴宗玉
Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Image Resolution: High Definition
Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Release Date: 2018
Number of Episodes: 102
Number of Dics: 12 DVDs (DVD-9)

Unknown Woman 이름없는여자 沒有名字的女人 簡介 Synopsis

Do you see motherhood as a beautiful, selfless thing? Here’s a beautiful, selfless thing? Here’s a story maternal love. There are two mothers who have a strong bond with their child. Hong Jiwon holds hands with the devil to save her son. She gives away her money. And, because of her great affection towards her child, she finds herself in conflict with Son Yeori who is also a mother. Under the name of a mother, the two women know how to show mother’s instinctive love.


父親去世後,孫如莉(吳智恩 飾)被洪智媛(裴宗玉 飾)收養進入了WID集團一家。某一天,智媛的兒子海成的白血病復發了,急需如莉的幫助,而如莉恰巧患有身孕,為了保護自己的孩子離家出走了。智媛為了讓自己的孩子活下去,派了人去抓如莉,不曾想那人未能完成任務,發生了事故並和兒子海成相繼去世了。失去孩子的智媛發誓要讓如莉嘗受同樣的痛苦。考慮到智媛有可能加害於自己的孩子,如莉謊稱自己便是殺人兇手,並在監獄裡生下了一個女兒。恰巧在如莉把女兒送到監獄外的那天,智媛出現了。不久後,如莉收到了女兒逝去的通知,並下定決心向惡人報仇。

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