Snow Flower 雪花 (Korean Drama DVD)
SGD$48.90SGD$69.90 (-30%)
Starring: 金喜愛 Kim Hee-ae、李在龍 Lee Jae-ryong、高雅娜 Ko Ah-Ra、金起範 Kim Ki-Beom
Directed by: Lee Jong-soo
Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Korean
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: SBS
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2007
Production Year: 2006
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDs
Synopsis 剧情简介
When she was young, Yoo Da Mi was forced to move in with her grandmother. Unknowingly, it was then when her father disappeared from her life, and since then, she had always thought that her father was dead. As time wore on, her mother became one of the country’s best-selling authors, but due to this, she had never found the time to be with her daughter. Suddenly, one day, Da Mi accidentally intercepts a phone call from her father and realizes that her mother has lied to her about her father’s whereabouts. Angry, Da Mi decides to infuriate her mother by deciding to not to attend university and chooses to become an actress instead. Surprisingly, the first film she stars in is based on one of her mother’s novels. Meanwhile, Ha Yeong Chan – her boss’s step-brother – is a friend who secretly loves Da Mi though gets turned away by her.
本剧讲述一个24岁结婚25岁生孩子,直到30岁都不过是个平凡的普通女人,一心以丈夫为天,安心快乐的贤妻良母,到31岁突然知晓丈夫居然在他国有妻子而愤然离婚的女人李姜嫒。别以为这样的女人就只有悲惨的命运等着她,虽然一开始非常辛苦,但很快她就通过自己的努力成为全韩国最畅销的小说作家。如今姜嫒已经年届44岁,培养出了成绩优异听话乖巧的可爱女儿,作为小说家也大获成功,人生可谓志得意满。但却一下子在这巅峰上被打落,姜嫒被宣判得了胰腺癌。雪上加霜的是,原本相依为命的女儿竟然开始和母亲作对。在探索究竟何为真爱, 因对父亲的思念,竟然转化为对母亲莫大的误解,母女之间甚至产生巨大的鸿沟,明明深爱对方却又彼此伤害,终于通过再一次的拥抱,体会到家庭的重要性。
Trailer 预告片

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