My Girlfriend is Gumiho 我的女友是九尾狐 (Korean Drama DVD)

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剧情讲述男主角车大雄 (李勝基饰) 梦想成为功夫明星,在一次机缘巧合下将一只被封印了五百年的九尾狐 (申敏儿饰) 从封印中救出来。大雄因惊慌失措逃跑而趺入山谷,身受重伤;九尾狐为了报恩而自己的玉珠救他,对他一见钟情。为了保着玉珠,九尾狐唯有跟随大雄,二人因此展开了一场浪漫有趣的爱情故事……

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My Girlfriend is Gumiho 내 여자친구는 구미호 我的女友是九尾狐 Trailer

Starring: Lee Seung Gi (李勝基) | Shin Min Ah (申敏儿) | No Min-Woo (卢民佑) | Park Soo Jin (朴秀珍) | Park Hyo Min (朴孝敏)
Language: Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese | English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2010
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Running Time: Approx. 65 mins per episode
Number of episodes: 16 (完整版)
Number of discs: 4 DVDs


My Girlfriend is Gumiho 내 여자친구는 구미호 我的女友是九尾狐 Synopsis

梦想成为世界级武打演员的车大雄 (李勝基 饰),是个不懂礼节的富家子弟,从小父母双亡,于是被爷爷和姑姑一手拉拔长大。机缘巧合下,遇到沉睡五百年之久的九尾狐 (申敏儿 饰),并阴错阳差的将这只九尾狐从封印中解救出来;大雄解救九尾狐后,因惊慌失措逃跑而摔下山谷受了重伤,九尾狐为了救大雄,将自己的狐狸珠放在大雄的体内疗伤,所以不得不跟着大雄,因此令人意想不到的一场穿越时空爱恋竟在不经意间慢慢萌芽…但东周 (卢民佑 饰) 处心积虑想要破坏大雄和九尾狐在一起,而喜欢大雄的惠仁 (朴秀珍 饰) 也不断逼迫九尾狐离开大雄,就请拭目以待这段感动人心的人狐绮恋。

Cha Dae-woong (Lee Seung Gi) accidentally releases a troublesome gumiho, a legendary fox with nine tails, sealed inside a painting by Grandma Samshin (三神). Fleeing the scene, Dae-woong suffers a life-threatening fall and is only saved by the gumiho giving him her “fox bead” (여우 구슬). When Dae-woong awakes and meets a mysterious pretty girl, he initially treats her as eccentric or mentally ill, before fully understanding she is a gumiho in disguise—at which point he tries to research gumihos, but fails to find correct information in the library or on the internet. He agrees to stay with her and he tries to keep her happy, while hiding her true identity as a gumiho from all others by introducing her as his friend, Mi Ho. Slowly, however, he becomes less scared of her and more protective of her—finally admitting to himself and to her that he loves her.

As the story unfolds, Mi Ho (Shin Min Ah) pursues her goal of becoming human, with the half-human, half-supernatural Park Dong Joo, who has a career as a veterinarian and has been living as a half-human for hundreds of years, informing her that to do so, she must drink his blood and allow a human to keep her fox bead inside their body for a full 100 days – faithfully entering into a Love Contract, and keeping the bead from being harmed by remaining chaste. However, Dong Joo does not mention that at the end of the 100 days the human will die. Mi Ho and Dae Woong fall in love without fully knowing the consequences of fulfilling her goal: namely, that Woong will die if she becomes fully human.

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