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1 × SGD$55.90
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1 × SGD$39.90
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1 × SGD$55.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$45.00
Love In Trouble 奇怪的搭檔 (Korean Drama DVD)
SGD$56.90SGD$79.90 (-29%)
Product Information
Alternative Name: Suspicious Partner
Starring: Noh Ji-wook (by Ji Chang-wook) 盧智旭(池昌旭 飾) & Eun Bong-hee (by Nam Ji-hyun) 殷奉熙(南志鉉 飾)
Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Image Resolution: High Definition
Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Release Date: July 2024
Number of Episodes: 20
Number of Dics: 5 DVDs
奇怪的搭檔 Love In Trouble 預告 Trailer
奇怪的搭檔 Love In Trouble 簡介 Synopsis
Noh Ji-wook (by Ji Chang-wook), a prosecutor, met Eun Bong-hee (by Nam Ji-hyun), a 1st year judicial trainee for the first time in unexpected embracing incident. Three months later, they meet again as a supervisor and probationer. Things getting worse when Bong-hee suddenly gets caught as a suspect for he ex-boyfriend’s murder. While she becomes a defendant and Ji-wook who is known as a harsh prosecutor, what will he do next?