1 × SGD$19.90
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3 × SGD$19.90
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1 × SGD$39.90
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1 × SGD$46.90
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1 × SGD$56.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$49.90
2 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$66.90
1 × SGD$41.90
Fight For My Way 三流之路 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)
SGD$46.90SGD$69.90 (-33%)
Fight for My Way is a South Korean television series starring Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won, with Ahn Jae-hong and Song Ha-yoon. The series was the slot leader during its entire run and topped TV popularity index for three consecutive weeks. It was praised for its realistic plot.
《三流之路》为韩国KBS于2017年5月22日起播出的月火连续剧,由朴叙俊及金智媛主演,《善良的男人》导演李娜静与《白熙回来了》编剧林尚春共同合作的作品。此剧主要刻画的是没有钱没有背景,过着配角人生的男女主人公高东万(朴叙俊 饰)和崔爱罗(金智媛 饰)勇于追求梦想的青春励志浪漫爱情故事。
Can you still go after your dreams without the right background?
Fight For My Way 三流之路 Synopsis
Ko Dong Man (Park Seo Joon) has always dreamed of becoming famous as a taekwondo athlete but now works as a contract employee in a mundane job. His bickering longtime friend, Choi Ae Ra (Kim Ji Won), aspires to become a television anchor but works instead at the information desk of a department store.
Their friends, Kim Joo Man (Ahn Jae Hong), and Baek Seol Hee (Song Ha Yoon) have been dating for six years but face a new threat to their relationship.
Can the four friends achieve their individual dreams despite having “third-rate” qualifications?
Fight For My Way 三流之路 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: Park Seo Joon (朴叙俊) | Kim Ji Won (金智媛) | Ahn Jae Hong (安宰弘) | Song Ha Yoon (宋昰昀)
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
Subtitle: English | Chinese
Release Date: 3 March 2018
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 16
Number of dics: 4 High Definition DVDs