Cruel Love 坏爱情 (Korean Drama DVD)

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Starring: 权相佑 Kwone Sang Woo、李瑶媛 Lee Yo Won、金成洙 Kim Sung Su、车艺莲 Cha Ye-rin、金佳妍 Kim Ka-Yeon
Directed by: 权溪泓 Kwon Gye-Hong 
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: KBS
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2021
Production Year: 2007
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 3 DVD

SKU: LBS0208 Categories: ,

Synopsis 剧情简介

They say there is nothing else you could wish for as long as you are in love. But people tend to expect quite a lot from those they love. They say pride does not matter when you are in love, but many lovers break up because their self-esteem is hurt. They say love alone will do when you are in love, but we eventually keep turning our eyes to the demands of reality. They say love has no reasons, but people always love for a reason. Maybe that’s why God bestowed love to humans as the biggest punishment for their greed. A bad and wicked love…

憧憬着美麗愛情的女孩羅仁靜(李瑤媛飾),在見到李秀煥(金成洙飾)的瞬間墜入情網;爲沉悶的婚姻生活所累的李秀煥,在與羅仁靜的愛情中第一次品嚐到了幸福的滋味。生活在紐約的POP藝術家姜勇基(權相佑飾)與同事喬安(車藝蓮飾)愛得轟轟烈烈,一次與羅仁靜的偶遇給他留下了深刻的印象。 面對着秀煥已是有婦之夫的告白,仁靜顧不上道德的約束,仍沉浸短暫的愛情甜蜜中,但秀煥最終還是放棄她選擇了未來。與初戀喬安的愛情最終觸礁使勇基深深受傷。短暫的愛情只帶來傷痕,三人不再相信愛情。 5年過去,再次邂逅時三人已與昔日不同:仁靜和勇基相互了解了彼此心中的傷痕、兩顆心在悸動;而雄心勃勃的秀煥現在危機四伏。勇基絕不放棄幫他找到生活意義的仁靜;仁靜卻不能因爲自己放棄了一切的秀煥而動搖;秀煥想再一次擁有仁靜。三人所選擇的惡劣的愛情開始了!

Trailer 预告片

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