Integrity 廉政風雲 煙幕 (DVD)


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Starring: 劉青雲 Sean Lau, 張家輝 Nick Cheung, 林嘉欣 Karena Lam, 方中信 Fong Chung-shun, 陳家樂 Carlos Chan, 湯怡 Kathy Yuen, 常倩 Charlene Chang, 袁詠儀 Anita Yuen
Directed By: 麥兆輝 Alan Mak
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Cantonese, Mandarin

Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG13
Studio: MM2 Entertainment
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: October 2021
Production Year: 2019
Running Time: Approx. 114 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD

SKU: MF00011 Categories: ,

Synopsis 剧情简介

The multi-year ICAC investigation is on the brink of collapse after the defendant CEO’s disappearance and the whistleblower’s fleeing to Australia. To salvage the case, a top ICAC agent teams with a fellow investigator (who happens to be his estranged wife) and risks their lives to bring the fugitives back to court ahead of the one-week deadline for the case’s dismissal.

香煙貿易集團賄賂海關一案,被告在開庭前突然棄保潛逃,重要証人許植堯〔張家輝-飾〕亦神秘失蹤。廉政公署總調查主任陳敬慈〔劉青雲-飾〕要在七天之內,翻查所有蛛絲馬跡;上級同時派出另一調查主任江雪兒〔林嘉欣-飾〕,趕赴澳洲遊說許植堯回港出庭作證。 然而隨著死線日漸迫近,與案件有關的人相繼離奇死亡,線索亦逐一斷開… 原來許植堯的神秘身份才是案情關鍵!要揭開重重煙幕,才能抽出私煙買賣的幕後黑手!

Trailer 预告片

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