英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow (DVD)
性格刚烈强硬执拗的周凯,年幼丧母,因父亲粗暴脾气管制而出海做了水手,常跑日本路线,后来跟水手兄弟马珂一起加入了走私犯罪团伙。二人虽身在走私犯罪团伙,但是仍有正义感,做事有原则。后来周凯被犯罪团伙同伴皮筋陷害被抓入狱。周凯的弟弟周超从小视哥哥为偶像,并不知道哥哥的犯罪活动。从警校刚刚毕业进入刑警队后,正意气风发的时候却亲眼目睹周凯被抓,经历父亲被害,从此对哥哥怀有很深的恨意。 周凯出狱后找到马珂,才知道马珂去日本找到了皮筋,为自己报了仇而弄残了一条腿,同时也在等他回来重新开始。但是周凯已经和当年不一样,不想再做回老本行,他决心开始新的生活,不再去报复,去试着做一个好人。 走私犯罪团伙得知周凯出狱后,想拉拢周凯继续从事犯罪活动,并使用了一些更毒辣的手段逼周凯就犯,兄弟三人的命运从此发生了改变……
Director John Woo changed the face of action cinema in 1986 with A Better Tomorrow. Director Ding Sheng resurrects the spirit of that timeless, iconic classic with a brand-new chapter of the heroic bloodshed saga. Two brothers – Kai and Chao – are on opposite sides of the law. Kai heads up a smuggling operation, while his younger brother, Chao, is an up-and-coming star in the police department’s narcotics division. Chao has looked up to his older brother all his life, but after a botched drug deal leads to the death of their father, Chao swears off all contact with Kai.
英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 简介 Sypnosis
性格刚烈强硬执拗的周凯,年幼丧母,因父亲粗暴脾气管制而出海做了水手,常跑日本路线,后来跟水手兄弟马珂一起加入了走私犯罪团伙。二人虽身在走私犯罪团伙,但是仍有正义感,做事有原则。后来周凯被犯罪团伙同伴皮筋陷害被抓入狱。周凯的弟弟周超从小视哥哥为偶像,并不知道哥哥的犯罪活动。从警校刚刚毕业进入刑警队后,正意气风发的时候却亲眼目睹周凯被抓,经历父亲被害,从此对哥哥怀有很深的恨意。 周凯出狱后找到马珂,才知道马珂去日本找到了皮筋,为自己报了仇而弄残了一条腿,同时也在等他回来重新开始。但是周凯已经和当年不一样,不想再做回老本行,他决心开始新的生活,不再去报复,去试着做一个好人。 走私犯罪团伙得知周凯出狱后,想拉拢周凯继续从事犯罪活动,并使用了一些更毒辣的手段逼周凯就犯,兄弟三人的命运从此发生了改变……
Director John Woo changed the face of action cinema in 1986 with A Better Tomorrow. Director Ding Sheng resurrects the spirit of that timeless, iconic classic with a brand-new chapter of the heroic bloodshed saga. Two brothers – Kai and Chao – are on opposite sides of the law. Kai heads up a smuggling operation, while his younger brother, Chao, is an up-and-coming star in the police department’s narcotics division. Chao has looked up to his older brother all his life, but after a botched drug deal leads to the death of their father, Chao swears off all contact with Kai.
英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 预告 Trailer
Technical Information
Audio Tracks: Chinese
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Rating: PG13
Release Date: 22 May 2018
Running Time: Approx. 113 mins
Number of Discs: 1 DVD