The Man Who Kills Troubles 解決師 (TVB Drama DVD9)

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Starring: 王浩信 (Vincent Wong), 唐詩詠 (Natalie Tong), 陳敏之 (Sharon Chan), 張頴康 (Jonathan Cheung), 馮盈盈 (Crystal Fung), 張曦雯 (Kelly Cheung), 李天翔 (Eric Li), 苗可秀 (Nora Miao), 胡琳 (Bianca Wu), 莊思敏 (Jacquelin Ch’ng), 張文慈 (Pinky Cheung), 黃嘉樂 (Stephen Wong)
Special Appearance
唐文龍 Michael Tong, 夏雨 Xia Yu

Directed by: 劉家豪,  陳志江
Total Episodes: 1-30 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: NC16
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 06 December 2019
Production Year: 2018
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 6 DVDs 


Synopsis 剧情简介

The Fixer comes up with all kinds of crazy ideas to help gangsters resolve conundrums. Karson (Vincent Wong) is the Fixer in Chinese gangland in Australia. He is tired of gang life and just wants to be with his beloved Chloe (Kelly Cheung), who regrettably dies in an accident. Meanwhile, Karson is framed as some gang boss’s killer. He fakes his own death to evade pursuers. He begins a new life in Hong Kong as he becomes secondary school PE teacher O Sir (Ngo Hei-chen). Jovy (Cheung Wing-yan)  (Natalie Tong), newly appointed Class 5E Supervisor, is in fact the daughter of some gang boss. Good and bad guys confront each other as her father quits gang life. The shock waves even affect school campus. O Sir has to play the Fixer again as he embarks on a mission to protect Jovy and the students. Man Sir (Man Ho-chuen) (Jonathan Cheung), a rising star of the police, is determined to eradicate baddies in Hong Kong. He becomes an evilcharacter as he discovers some truth that devastates his values. Even though Man Sir’s subordinate Ace (Crystal Fung) really loves him, she fails to dissuade him. O Sir finds out Chloe’s death was just a subplot. Meanwhile, Jovy’s father is murdered. With the help of Jovy’s father’s trusted aide Hong Chung-yu (Sharon Chan), Jovy becomes the new gang boss and tries to calm the chaotic situation in gangland. O Sir and Jovy fall in love. He naturally tries his best to help and protect her. Good and evil are radically redefined. How can anyone be sure if some person is a good guy or not?

「解決師」協助黑幫解決終極難題,往往無所不用其極!澳洲華人黑幫解決師Karson(王浩信飾),欲遠離黑道與摯愛Chloe(張曦雯飾)一起,可惜Chole意外死亡。K同時遭嫁禍殺害黑幫龍頭,以假死逃避追殺,到了香港成為中學體育老師O Sir敖熙辰,展開第二人生。5E班新任班主任Jovy蔣穎欣(唐詩詠飾),實為黑幫龍頭千金,父親金盆洗手令黑白兩道掀起巨浪,且殃及校園,O Sir逼不得已再以解決師身份,肩負保護Jovy及學生的使命。警隊明日之星Man Sir文浩全(張頴康飾),矢志剷除全港黑勢力,一個真相令他的道德觀徹底崩潰,一念之間踏上成魔之路,下屬Ace(馮盈盈飾)深愛Man Sir,卻欲勸無從……O Sir得悉Chloe之死另有陰謀,同時Jovy父親被暗殺,Jovy在亡父得力助手項頌如(陳敏之飾)的幫助下,接管龍頭之位,以制衡江湖亂局。O Sir正與Jovy相愛,當然傾力襄助並嚴加保護。此時,面對正邪世界重新定位,誰能將黑白顛倒撥亂反正?

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