Moonlight Resonance 溏心風暴之家好月圓 (TVB Drama DVD)
SGD$55.90SGD$79.90 (-30%)
Main cast: 陳 豪、林 峯、黃宗澤、李司棋、
夏 雨、米 雪、關菊英、李香琴、
鍾嘉欣、楊 怡、徐子珊、陳法拉、
Director: 劉家豪
Total Episodes: 40
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: TVB
Release Date: 28/7/2008
Production Year: 2008
Running Time: Approx. 1800 min (40 Episodes)
No. of Disc: 8
CHUNG SIU HO (Lee Sze Kei, Louise) and her husband KAM TAI CHO (Ha Yu) have been working hard for many years to establish a famous reputation for their Moonlight Cake Shop. However, HO discovers that CHO commits adultery with her best friend YAN HUNG (Yim, Michelle) and she breaks up with him miserably. HO brings along her children KAM WING HO (Lam, Raymond). KAM WING HING (Chen Fala) and her adopted daughter SUEN HO YUET (Yeung Yi) to set up another cake shop for a living. HUNG moves in to live with CHO and she starts playing tricks in the family. She tries pleasing her mother-in-law SHEN KWAN LAI (Lee Heung Kam) in every ways while disuniting her stepson and CHO. Outside the family, HUNG starts expanding their business rapidly and HO’s younger sister CHUNG SIU SA (Kwan Kuk Ying, Susanna) is displeased. SA decides to fight for the ownership of their cake shop’s brand name in court with HUNG and their relationship with HUNG further deteriorates. Apart from the cake shop business, HO also spends a lot of efforts on her children. Her oldest son KAM WING KA (Chan Ho, Moses) is not interested in managing the cake shop at all and he indulges himself on stock trading. He also develops an entangling relation-ship with his cousin LO KA MEI (Tsui Tsz Shan, Kate) and YUET at the same time. On the other hand, HO’s younger WING HO takes up the role of a father in the family and he works hard all the time to earn a living. WING HO loves his childhood friend CHAU (Linda Chung) whole-heartedly but CHAU is in love with the doctor LING CHI SHUN (Wong Chung Chak)….
HO works hard unconditionally to strive for the well being of her family members. HUNG, on the other hand, is a very mean person who values her own benefits only. CHO is caught between the two women all the time and he feels helpless. One day, a disaster happens all the cake shop. Here comes a time when human nature, family bonds and love are brought to a trail…..
鍾笑荷 (李司棋) 與丈夫甘泰祖 (夏雨) 同心協力將 「家好月圓老餅家」 做得有聲有色, 萬想不到祖與金蘭姊妹殷紅(米雪)有染, 荷忍痛與祖離婚, 帶著甘永好 (林峯)、甘詠慶 (陳法拉) 和養女孫皓月 (楊怡) 另起爐灶。 紅入主甘家後, 在內籠絡人心, 處處討好家姑佘君麗 (李香琴) 及耍弄手段分化繼子與祖的感情; 在外則積極拓展業務, 分店一開再開, 令荷的妹妹鍾笑莎 (關菊英) 深深不忿, 不惜對簿公堂誓死搶回祖業的金漆招牌, 因而令荷及紅兩房人積怨更深。 餅店產業風波未息, 甘家子女的成長同樣令荷身心疲乏, 長子甘永家 (陳豪) 對打理餅店毫無興趣而熱衷炒股, 感情上與表妹路嘉美 (徐子珊) 及月則糾纏不清。 而管家仔阿好則子兼父職, 甘願扛起成頭家的重擔, 唯一最愛就是與他青梅竹馬的秋 (鍾嘉欣), 但秋卻與醫生凌至信 (黃宗澤) 難捨難離……
荷不辭勞苦, 為家人赴湯蹈火; 紅則心機算盡, 自私自利; 祖夾在中間, 一生為難, 直至一天, 餅店出事, 一場熬煉人性、親情及愛情的風暴亦隨即爆發……
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