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Product Information
主演: 刘琳 / 李嘉琦 / 杨皓宇 / 任豪 / 吴佳怡 / 古子成 / 韩云云 / 昌隆 / 厉嘉琪 / 向夏 / 许远驰
导演: 李亚飞
Audio: Cantonese / Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese / English
Release Date: 28/09/2024
Rated: PG
Number of Episodes: 24
Number of Disc: 5 DVD
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Synopsis 剧情简介
守寡18年的杜如玉一心想将四个女儿嫁进“好”人家,为此,她咬紧牙关,顶着巨大的经济压力在京城买了一套宅子,好让女儿们都能有一桩“门(非)当(富)户(即)对(贵)”的姻缘。 结果,金龟婿一个没来,莫名其妙的年轻人却接二连三地闯入她们的生活:懦弱的“武二代”路不平、 愚蠢却嚣张的王府世子、不会察言观色但天性善良的四皇子和浑身正能量却一直在做坏事的李腾云, 这些人杜如玉没有一个看得上的,但他们却与自己的女儿们越走越近了……
Widowed for 18 years, Du Ruyu is determined to marry her four daughters into “good” families. To achieve this, she bears enormous financial pressure to buy a house in the capital, hoping her daughters could all have a marriage that’s “suited to their social and economic status (with rich or noble men)”. However, instead of the ideal wealthy son-in-laws, a series of unexpected young men have inexplicably intruded into their lives: the sheepish Lu Buping, who is a military officer’s son; the foolish yet arrogant heir of a prince; the Fourth Prince, who is oblivious to social cues but naturally kind; and Li Tengyun, who is full of positive energy but always messing up. None of these men meet Du Ruyu’s standards, yet they are getting closer and closer to her daughters…