Heart and Greed 溏心風暴 (TVB Drama DVD)

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Starring: 陳豪、黃宗澤、林峯、鍾嘉欣、 楊怡、蒙嘉慧、李司棋、夏雨、 米雪、關菊英、黎諾懿、陳法拉、 阮兆祥、李成昌
Directed by: 劉家豪
Total Episodes: 1-40 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2010
Production Year: 2007
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 8 DVD

SKU: LDV0226 Categories: ,

Heart and Greed 溏心風暴 Trailer 精彩预告


Heart and Greed 溏心風暴 Synopsis 剧情简介

一個在業界享負盛名的海味大商戶, 一戶仍然保留著傳統家庭觀念的大家族。 有人忍辱負重; 有人目空一切; 有人兄友弟恭 ; 有人虎視眈眈; 有人用情專一; 有人滿懷感恩……


家變篇 — 坐擁數億身家的唐仁佳(夏雨)及正室淩巧(李司棋)和養子唐至安(陳豪 )致力維護家庭溫馨, 但妾室王秀琴(關菊英)卻為名分而暗下算盤。 巧親妹淩莉(米雪)將唐家事業打理得頭頭是道, 並為佳獨守了一個驚世秘密, 秘密一旦揭開, 唐家隨即出現了無可挽回的裂痕符……

真情片 — 佳之子至逸(黃宗澤)欲贏取有夫之婦卓文麗(楊怡), 麗卻屢屢成為安逸兩兄弟離間的導火線。 安結識了金蘭姐妹常在心(鍾嘉欣)和水明霞(蒙嘉慧), 並對心一往情深, 而心卻單戀多情律師程亮(林峯); 『天生戀愛狂』的霞此時又突然逃婚……

It is a story of a renowned sea-products retailer and a big traditional family, in which there are those who manage to endure to the end, those who consider themselves superior to everyone else, those who love and respect their brothers, those who seek every opportunity to fulfill their ambition, those who stay loyal to their beloved, and those who remain grateful for whatever they get……

When hatred is stirred up among the family ……

Family Breakdown – Family unity has always been a big concern for multi-millionaire TONG YAN-KAI (HA YU), his official wife LING HAU (LEE SZE KEE, LOUISE). KAI’s mistress WONG SAU-KAM (KWAN KUK YING), on the other hand, is a calculating woman who always wants to secure herself a recognized status. HAU’s sister LING LEI (YIM, MICHELLE) helps run KAI’s business and has been keeping a big secret for her brother-in-law. Once the secret is out, the TONGS starts to fall apart…..

Love and Romance – KAI’s son CHI-YAT (WONG CHUNG CHAK, BOSCO) would like to tie the knot with CHEUK MAN-LAI (YEUNG YI, TAVIA) who is already married. LAI is also the main cause of dispute between YAT and ON. ON gets to know a pair of friends SHEUNG TSOI-SUM (CHUNG, LINDA) and SHUI MING-HA (MUNG KA WAI, YOYO). He fall in love with SUM but SUM is attracted to a young passionate solicitor CHING LEUNG (LAM RAYMOND). In the meantime, the born romantic HA chooses to be a runaway bride just prior to her marriage……

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