Brother’s Keeper 巨轮 TVB Drama
SGD$46.90SGD$69.90 (-33%)
Main cast: 陳展鵬 , 蕭正楠 , 鍾嘉欣 , 田蕊妮 , 李司棋
Director: 張嘉玲, 王心慰
Total Episodes: 32
Audio Tracks: Mandarin & Cantonese
Subtitle: Chinese & English
Rated: NC16
Release Date: 20/12/13
Production Year: 2013
Running Time: Approx. 1440 min (32 Episodes)
No. of Disc: 6
Technical Information
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 9 Dual Layer
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Brother’s Keeper is a story about two brothers of the same mother but different fathers, “Sam” Kiu Tin-seng (Ruco Chan) and Lo Wai-son (Edwin Siu). Sam was born in Hong Kong, the son of Chow Yuk-mui (Louise Lee) and Kiu Sum (Lee Kwok Lun). Due to Kiu Sum refusing to marry Chow Yuk-mui, Yuk-mui decided to take Sam to Foshan, China to start anew. In Foshan, Yuk-mui got married with Lo Fu-shing (Lau Kong) and gave birth to Son a few years afterwards.
Not long after, the family of four decided to cross the border to start a new life in Hong Kong. The family of four eventually got separated with Sam ending up in Hong Kong, while Yuk-mui, Fu-shing, and Son ending up in Macau.
《巨轮》又名Brother’s Keeper,这是一部时代剧集,以一对亲兄弟的恩怨情仇,带出香港、澳门双城的沧桑变化。故事前后跨度三十年,真正的剧如其名“时代巨轮”,让大家重温那段黄金岁月。 监制王心慰是个很擅于拍摄伦理故事,以及剖析人性的制作人,她的作品都刻画出细腻的感情。此剧将会是演员卢宛茵在无线电视的告别作。《巨轮》也是第17届香港国际影视展中无线电视推介的17部剧集之一。此剧于澳门取景拍摄,描述1980年至2013年,港澳地区的变迁。另外,这种以大时代背景为主题的作品,TVB其实已经有一段时间没有涉猎了。
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