Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宮心計 (TVB Drama DVD)
SGD$55.90SGD$79.90 (-30%)
Main cast: 佘詩曼、楊 怡、關菊英、米 雪、
陳 豪、鄭嘉穎、李國麟、張國強、
Director: 梅小青
Total Episodes: 33
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: TVB
Release Date: 19/10/2009
Production Year: 2009
Running Time: Approx. 1385 min (33 Episodes)
No. of Disc: 6
Technical Infomation
Format: NTSC
Dvd: Dvd 5
Video: Mpeg 2
Audio: Dolby Digital AC3
Audio Channels: 2
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720×480 px
Format: NTSC
Region code: All Countries
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Selections
Imperial Household Bureau is responsible for managing and directing all household services to the Emperor and the Imperial family in Tong Dynasty. It is comprised of four departments, namely Jewels, Attire, Food and Furnishings. LAU SAM HO (Charmaine Sheh) and YIU KAM LING (Tavia Yeung) are introduced into the bureau in their tender age and brought up in the disciplines of the palace. The two girls are diligent. YUEN TSUI WAN (Susanna Kwan), Head of the Jewels, and CHUNG SUET HA (Michelle Yim), Head of the Attire, are both very fond of HO for she is a kind-hearted young girl. Soon, they start fighting for the fellowship of HO. HO always remembers her mother’s words left to her before she passed away, that she was told, ‘Doing good deeds, Speaking good words, Showing goodwill’. She lives her life of being gracious and kind-hearted in the palace. On the other hand, LING believes her survival in palace is achieved through cruel and calculating tactics. She cheats and schemes her way to the top and finally becomes the concubine. Though she realizes that HO has fallen in love with the chess master KO HIN YEUNG (Kevin Cheng), her jealousy still arouses by HO’s attraction to the Emperor LEE YI (Moses Chan). Fearing that she is losing power, she ruthlessly makes up a false allegation against HO for murdering the Empress (Mary Hon) and condemns her to death. No matter how clever she is to scheme, things do not go the way she planned. By using a strong comparison of the two distinctive characters, HO and LING, the message of the drama is that “benevolence” is the only way to gain final victory.
唐朝掌管後宮內務的最高權力中心—尚宮局,統領四房,分別為司珍房(首飾)、司制房(服飾)、司膳房(膳食)及司設房(陳設)。劉三好(佘詩曼 飾)與姚金鈴(楊怡 飾)自幼入宮當學婢,二人聰穎機伶,尤以三好品性純良,得司珍阮翠雲(關菊英 飾)及司制鍾雪霞(米雪 飾)喜愛,爭取收歸門下,三好遂成二人爭鬥禍心。 三好一直緊守亡母遺訓-「做好事、說好話、存好心」,以善行仁心遊走於宮中這個爾虞我詐的地方;反而情同姐妹的金鈴,利慾薰心,為求成妃,不擇手段。縱使三好鍾情棋博士高顯揚(鄭嘉穎 飾),但金鈴知道皇帝李怡(陳豪 飾)最愛是三好,妒意驟生,為保皇妃之位,竟誣告三好擊殺太后(韓馬利 飾),要置三好於死地。但計謀再深,總有算錯的時候;手段再強,亦有疏忽的地方;透過三好與金鈴迥異的人生,帶出只有憑「行善積德」,才是處世待人「至強無敵」之道。
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