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1 × SGD$55.90
1 × SGD$48.90
1 × SGD$55.90
1 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$48.90
Love Keeps Going 美樂加油 (Taiwanese Drama DVD)
SGD$48.90SGD$69.90 (-30%)
Starring: 王心凌 (Cyndi Wang), 賀軍翔 (Ho Chun-Hsiang), 施易男 (Eli Shih)
Directed By: 柯翰辰
Total Episodes: 1-13 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Rated: PG
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2013
Production Year: 2011
Running Time: Approx. 72 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDs
Synopsis 剧情简介
风靡全亚洲的音乐才子 韩以烈(贺军翔饰)是某卫视知名的评委,他性格怪异,作风霸道,经常让暗恋他的经纪人楚少茵(柳岩饰)为其收拾烂摊子。査美乐(王心凌饰)是一个坚强善良的平凡女孩,她相信只要努力付出就有回报。为实现男友韩以风的梦想,她放弃自己的事业开了一家面包店。 美乐阴差阳错之下与冷酷霸道的未来小叔以烈相遇,美乐的热情真诚如阳光般照进了以烈冷漠的内心。某著名餐饮连锁店创办人何言劭(张伦硕饰)打算收购美乐的面包店,以风与美乐之间的感情出现危机,以烈陪美乐度过了人生最灰暗的时刻。少茵百般阻扰以烈与美乐的交往。 言劭对美乐由欣赏到日渐动情。面对以风的回心转意、言劭的强烈追求和少茵的从中破坏,最终,以烈与美乐是否能够有情人终成眷属呢?
It all started when Zha Mei Le was just a little girl; she was care free and not really bright. She overheard her parents agreeing to a divorce and deciding which child should stay with who, both of them didn’t want Mei Le, so Mei Le decided to change that. She started doing her best at everything, being well behaved, caring, obedient and even smart! She had tons of certificates, everyone enjoyed to be with her at work, and her boss just admired her hard work. That’s how she even met her boyfriend Han Yi Feng; through her kind and caring soul, even his family loved her.. except his brother, Han Yi Lei. Kind heart-ed Mei Le, was just doing a favor that her boyfriend asked: to pick Yi Lei at the airport, and right from the start, the two of them disliked each other. But on the other hand, Mei Le was also trying really hard to fulfill her boyfriend’s dream of owning a bakery. But when she finds out the her relationship with Yi Feng, isn’t as pure as she thought it was, she finds her self with his brother! See how this drama unfolds, when things begin to heat up! Find Out on Love Keeps Going!