• BB來了 Who Wants A Baby (DVD)

    意外懷孕令唐恬兒(李佳芯)和葉致廷(黎諾懿)夫妻二人大失預算, 本可寄望雙方母親大人的幫忙, 可惜兩老育嬰方式南轅北轍, 衝突頻生, 令夫妻落入24小時無間湊女地獄, 為勢所迫終請來陪月達人王佳妙(楊卓娜)救亡。 因為BB來了,令恬兒狠心告別時尚愛美的事業, 致廷要遠離夜夜笙歌的品味人生, 恬兒更為事業轉型及爭取時間照顧女兒, 毅然接手經營陪月中介公司, 經佳妙穿針引線接觸不少雇主和陪月, 令恬兒對母親這新身分別有一番體會, 但與致廷卻漸行漸遠, 更懷疑他與酒吧同時許晴(高海寧)有染; 誰料到致廷因一次意外中勇救小孩而成了網紅的「絕世好爸」, 另陪月公司竄升育嬰界KOL, 带来翻天地覆的⋯⋯

    An unexpected pregnancy catches couple TONG TIM-YEE (Ali Lee) and IP CHI-TING (Lai Lok Yi) off guard, so they hire an experienced confinement nanny, WONG KAI-MIU (Griselda Yeung), to help them. The arrival of her newborn forces TIM-YEE to change her career and take over a post-natal care agency. In her role as a new mom, she is struck with a newfound appreciation, but feels like she and her husband are growing apart. She even suspects that he has an affair with his coworker bartender HUI CHING (Samantha Ko). Surprisingly, CHI-TING captivates the internet after bravely saving a child in an accident, and is dubbed the “greatest dad” ever, turning thing upside down……

  • Death Wish (DVD)

    Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures presents director Eli Roth’s reimagining of the 1974 revenge thriller Death Wish.
    Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is a surgeon who only sees the aftermath of his city’s violence as it’s rushed into his ER until his wife (Elisabeth Shue) and college-age daughter (Camila Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home.
    With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts for his family’s assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grabs the media’s attention, the city wonders if this deadly avenger is a guardian angel or a grim reaper. Fury and fate collide in the intense action-thriller Death Wish.

    Death Wish (DVD)

  • 天命 Succession War (TVB Drama DVD)

    和坤(陳展鵬)才智過人, 深得乾隆帝寵信, 權傾朝野, 營私植黨, 人稱「二皇帝」。
    皇十五子永琰(譚俊彥)看似平庸, 與世無爭, 遂得和坤相中, 扶植為皇位繼承人。 嘉慶四年,乾隆駕崩,嘉慶帝先後說服和坤兒子豐紳殷德(何廣沛)以及心腹福長安(陳山聰)倒戈相向,意圖以雷霆手段將和坤及其黨羽一舉殲滅。 然而老謀深算的和坤早有對策, 不但化解嘉慶連番攻擊; 更反客為主, 揭出皇貴妃(李施嬅)一段不可告人的秘密, 令家慶腹背受敵!
    和坤二夫人長媚(姚子羚)和紅顏知己豆蔻(唐詩詠)亦在宮中與江湖上分頭行事, 令一向支持家慶的親弟永璘(張穎康)與之反目成仇, 而白蓮教也在江湖上與風作浪, 令家慶陷入絕境。 豈料天命難違⋯⋯
    HESHEN (Ruco Chan), brilliant and favoured by EMPEROR QIANLONG, has influence over the throne. He forges extensive factional alliances for shared venality and is dubbed the “Second Emperor”. PRINCE YONGYAN (Shaun Tam), the 15th son of the Emperor, appears mediocre with no ambition, so is selected by HESHEN as first line to the throne. After the death of QIANLONG in the 4th year of EMPEROR JIAQING’s reign, JIAQING manages to convince HESHEN’s son FENGSHEN-YINDE (Matthew Ho) and confidant FUCHANG’AN (Joel Chan) to turn their coat, seeking to sweepingly eliminate HESHEN and his cronies. But, wily HESHEN comes prepared. Facing JIAQING’s attacks, he not only manages to solve this crisis, but also turns the tables, exposing the unspeakable secret of ROYAL NOBLE CONSORT (Selena Lee). Suddenly, JIAQING is caught in the crossfire!
    HESHEN’s second wife CHANG MEI (Elain Yiu) and female confidant DOUKOU (Natalie Tong) act separately inside and outside the imperial court, turning JIAQING’s longtime supporter/own brother PRINCE YONGLIN (Jonathan Cheung) into his enemy. With the White Lotus Sect wreaking havoc nationwide, JIAQING is plugged into despair. However, he is a man with a mandate from heaven……

  • A Quiet Place (DVD)

    In this “MIND-BLOWINGLY TENSE” thriller, a family must navigate their lives in silence to avoid mysterious creatures that hunt by sound. Knowing that even the slightest whisper of footstep can bring death, Evelyn (EMILY BLUNT) and Lee (JOHN KRASINSKI) are determined to find a way to protect their children at all costs while they desperately search for a way to fight back. Hailed by critics as “SENSATIONALLY GRIPPING”** and “HEART-POUNDING”*** A Quiet Place is the must-see movie of the year.

  • A Quiet Place (Blu-ray)

    In this “MIND-BLOWINGLY TENSE” thriller, a family must navigate their lives in silence to avoid mysterious creatures that hunt by sound. Knowing that even the slightest whisper of footstep can bring death, Evelyn (EMILY BLUNT) and Lee (JOHN KRASINSKI) are determined to find a way to protect their children at all costs while they desperately search for a way to fight back. Hailed by critics as “SENSATIONALLY GRIPPING”** and “HEART-POUNDING”*** A Quiet Place is the must-see movie of the year.

  • A Quiet Place (4K UHD + Blu-ray)

    In this “MIND-BLOWINGLY TENSE” thriller, a family must navigate their lives in silence to avoid mysterious creatures that hunt by sound. Knowing that even the slightest whisper of footstep can bring death, Evelyn (EMILY BLUNT) and Lee (JOHN KRASINSKI) are determined to find a way to protect their children at all costs while they desperately search for a way to fight back. Hailed by critics as “SENSATIONALLY GRIPPING”** and “HEART-POUNDING”*** A Quiet Place is the must-see movie of the year.

  • Early Man (DVD)

    Set at the dawn of time, when prehistoric creatures and holly mammoths roamed the earth, Early Man tells the story of how plucky caveman Dig (Eddie Redmayne), along with sidekick Hognob, unites his tribe against the mighty Lord Nooth (Tom Hiddleston) and his Bronze Age city in a battle to beat them at their own game. Early Man unleashes an unforgettable cast of hilarious new characters voiced by top British talent including Maisie Williams, Timothy Spall, Miriam Margolyes, Rob Brydon, Kayvan Novak, Richard Ayoade, Selina Griffiths, Johnny Vegas, Mark Williams, Gina Yashere, Richard Webber and Simon Greenail.

    Early Man (DVD)

  • Ready Player One (4K UHD + Blu-ray)

    Director Steven Spielberg’s science-fiction action adventure reveals a chaotic, collapsing world in the year 2045. Salvation lies in the OASIS, a fantastical virtual-reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday. When Halliday dies, his immense fortune is left to the first person who can find a digital Easter egg hidden in the OASIS. Joining the hunt is unlikely young hero Wade Watts, who is hurled into a breakneck, reality-bending quest filled with mystery, discovery and danger.

  • Ready Player One (3D Blu-ray + Blu-ray)

    Director Steven Spielberg’s science-fiction action adventure reveals a chaotic, collapsing world in the year 2045. Salvation lies in the OASIS, a fantastical virtual-reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday. When Halliday dies, his immense fortune is left to the first person who can find a digital Easter egg hidden in the OASIS. Joining the hunt is unlikely young hero Wade Watts, who is hurled into a breakneck, reality-bending quest filled with mystery, discovery and danger.

  • Ready Player One (Blu-ray)

    Director Steven Spielberg’s science-fiction action adventure reveals a chaotic, collapsing world in the year 2045. Salvation lies in the OASIS, a fantastical virtual-reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday. When Halliday dies, his immense fortune is left to the first person who can find a digital Easter egg hidden in the OASIS. Joining the hunt is unlikely young hero Wade Watts, who is hurled into a breakneck, reality-bending quest filled with mystery, discovery and danger.

  • Ready Player One (DVD)

    Director Steven Spielberg’s science-fiction action adventure reveals a chaotic, collapsing world in the year 2045. Salvation lies in the OASIS, a fantastical virtual-reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday. When Halliday dies, his immense fortune is left to the first person who can find a digital Easter egg hidden in the OASIS. Joining the hunt is unlikely young hero Wade Watts, who is hurled into a breakneck, reality-bending quest filled with mystery, discovery and danger.

  • Mission: Impossible 2 (4K UHD + Blu-ray)

    The world’s greatest spy returns in an all-new mission, M:I-2. Top action director John Woo brings his own brand of excitement to the mission that finds Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) partnering up with the beautiful Nyah Hall (Thandie Newton) to stop renegade agent Sean Ambrose (Dougray Scott) from releasing a new kind of terror on an unsuspecting world. But before the mission is complete, they’ll traverse the globe and have to choose between everything they love and everything they believe in.

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