The Land of Wind 風之國 (Korean Drama DVD)

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Starring: Song Il Kook (宋一国) | Choi Jung Won (崔贞媛) | Park Gun Hyung (朴建炯) | Jung Jin Young (郑进永) | Oh Yoon Ah (吴允儿) | Lee Jong Won (李钟原) | Kim Hye Sung (金彗星)
Language: Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2008
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 1-36 (Complete Set)


高句丽史上拥有最广阔领土的【战神】大武神王 “无恤” 的伟大一生

The Land of Wind 바람의 나라 風之國 Synopsis

After King Zumong, the founder of Goguryeo, dies and Yuri ascends the throne, Goguryeo’s fortune starts to decline rapidly. Soseone, one of the founders of Goguryeo, moves to the south with her followers and establishes a new country. Tribes once unified under King Zumong gradually turn their backs on Goguryeo. And the King of Buyeo, Daeso, who has kept building up national power, invades Goguryeo with his arym, and Goguryeo collapses miserably under Daeso’s feet.

At the moment of the fall of the country, only after several decades from its foundation, a prince, Muhyul is born. However, Muhyul becomes the symbol of the country’s fall. As the ominous prophecy says that he is destined to destroy the world as well as his own family, King Yuri is pressed to kill his son, Yuri, but he has Muhyul secretly escape. Muhyul spends his childhood without knowing he’s a prince. But the eventually distinguishes himself by exposing a rebellion conspiracy against Goguryeo and regains his standing. Since then, as overcoming numerous difficulties and obstacles, he becomes the third king of Goguryeo. According to his brother, Prince Haemyeong and Yuri’s wishes, he kills Daeso, the king of Buyeo and finally conquers Buyeo……

两千多年前,高句丽开国君王朱蒙的儿子琉璃王 (郑镇荣 饰) 继任为王。当时高句丽外受强国扶馀窥伺,政局混乱不堪,虽然内忧外患频仍,但琉璃王的心中仍对高句丽的未来充满希望。

琉璃王的儿子无恤 (宋一国 饰) 出生时,神却为这个孩子安排了一个残酷的命运,并告诉琉璃王:「这孩子将会杀死母亲、兄长、父亲,也会伤害高句丽」,果然,无恤的母亲生下他没多久后就死了。而当时琉璃王也正处于巩固高句丽强而有力王权的当口,于是举办了亲手杀死亲生儿子的仪式,要来平息民怨和势力庞大的沸流部的反抗。但身为人父的琉璃王实在不忍心亲手杀死自己的儿子,于是命令太子解明把无恤扔掉,琉璃王给这世人认为已死的孩子取名为无恤,意为没有沸腾的热血、没有跳动的心脏;解明也不忍心扔掉他,于是拜托绘制先王朱蒙帝室的壁画工匠将无恤抚养长大。

日后发觉自己真实身分并成为高句丽太王的无恤,在不断的征战中遇到了真爱─燕儿 (崔贞媛 饰) 和情敌道真 (朴建炯 饰),《风之国》为你完整演绎这位高句丽史上被誉为神王的无恤,是如何完成征服广大土地的伟大梦想与坚持……

The Land of Wind 바람의 나라 風之國 Trailer

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