Iron Daughters-in-Law 不屈的兒媳們 (Korean Drama)
SGD$69.90SGD$99.90 (-30%)
Starring: Yoon Da Hoon (尹多勋) | Shin Ae Ra (申爱罗) | Kim Bo Yeon (金宝妍) | Honey Lee (李荷妮) | Lee Hoon (李 勋) | Park Yoon Jae (朴允载)
Language: Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese / English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2011
Disc format: NTSC 2.0
Number of episodes: 1-113 (Complete Set)
Iron Daughters-in-Law 불굴의 며느리 不屈的兒媳們 Trailer
Iron Daughters-in-Law 불굴의 며느리 不屈的兒媳們 Synopsis
For over 300 years house, three generations of a family live in the same home. They have their own stories.
The daughter-in-law of the 11th generation, Choi Mak-Nyeo (Kang Bu-Ja), leads her family with charisma. She is strict, stubborn and also childish. Before she was even 20-years-old, her husband died. Since that time she taken care of her family and family matters.
The daughter-in-law of the 12th generation, Cha Hye-Ja (Kim Bo-Yeon), also lost her husband when she was still young. she thought her fate to be the first daughter-in-law of this family. she is busy to manage family matters. her first lover suddenly shows up in front of her.
The daughter-in-law of the 13th generation, Oh Young-Shim (Shin Ae-Ra) is a positive and bright woman. She was adored by her in-laws, but for the past 10 years of her marriage they have not had any children. Because of this, Young-Shim has a hard time. To make matters worse, her husband has an affair and demand a divorce. Finally, her husband dies in a car accident. Young-Shim feels guilty over not bearing any children.
满月堂,是具有三百年悠久家族历史,经过韩国政府认证的传统宗族大家庭。家族的长孙媳-吴英心(申爱罗 饰),与家族奶奶、婆婆以及一群妯娌一同维系这个宗族的传统。在这个大家庭中,有着一个共同的遗憾;就是这个家族的男人都不长命!尤其是长孙洪玖与英心结婚十年没有生下一儿半女,就因为车祸意外身亡,另外一个孙子在事业失败后,也抛弃妻子慧媛,带着小三逃到国外,眼见满月堂三百年的悠久香火竟然就要断送于此,让家族奶奶崔末女与婆婆车顺子不胜欷嘘,更心急如焚。雪上加霜的是,两个孙媳妇-英心与慧媛,在失去丈夫后,分别爱上了知名财团「Queens」集团的两个儿子,连守寡多年的婆婆车顺子,也在遇到儿时的青梅竹马后,动了凡心。爱情来了,铜墙铁壁都挡不住,更何况是满月堂残旧颓败的矮墙?满月堂的女人们,究竟应该守着这座三百年的大宅院终老一生?还是应该勇于追求属于自己的幸福?