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Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei 旺得福梁细妹 (Singapore Movie DVD)
Starring: Jack Neo 梁志強, Mark Lee 李國煌, Henry Thia 程旭輝, Benjamin Tan 陳俊銘, Wang Lei 王雷, Jaspers Lai 赖宇涵, Chua Lee Lian 蔡礼莲, Cavin Soh 苏梽诚
Directed By: 梁智强 Jack Neo
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG
Studio: MM2 Entertainment
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 12 January 2022
Production Year: 2018
Running Time: Approx. 131 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Blu-ray version can be found here
Synopsis 剧情简介
Liang Xi Mei (Jack Neo) is finally back! Having retired, Liang Xi Mei spends her time looking after her two obedient grandsons. However, Liang Xi Mei still leads a colorful life thanks to her absent-minded BFF Guang Dong Po (Wang Lei), who frequently muddles things up, leaving Liang Xi Mei to resolve the mess; and Lion King (Henry Thia) who is now diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s, causing confusion and frustrations for everyone. Robert (Mark Lee), Liang Xi Mei’s eldest son also adds to her woes. Robert is a dreamer who often schemes to get rich quick. This causes Liang Xi Mei to find him unreliable and puts all her hopes on her youngest son Albert (Benjamin Josiah Tan). Her favoritism stirs up jealousy within Robert, who vows to strike it rich to win back Liang Xi Mei’s approval.
消失熒光幕多年的梁細妹(梁志強),原來早已退休,在家含飴弄孫,兩個懂事乖巧的孫子,替梁細妹退休生活增添不少色彩。 好姐妹廣東婆(王雷),由於其糊塗貌失的個性,常鬧出烏龍事而要梁細妹協助解圍。阿公(程旭輝)由於輕微老人癡呆而導致的無厘頭舉動,也常令一家人哭笑不得。梁細妹大兒子Robert(李國煌)十年如一日的不務實,常幻想能一步登天,使梁細妹不得不把自己的希望完全寄托在小兒子Albert(陳俊銘)身上而對小兒子疼愛有加。此舉卻引發Robert對於母親偏心的反感,誓言一定要以發大財來換取母親對自己的重視。機緣巧合之下,Robert獲得一尊財神婆的玩偶公仔,財神婆更現出真身與Robert交流,探討人生財富之道,希望Robert能以正道獲取財富…….