Golden Brother 男人唔可以窮 (DVD)
Starring: 黃宗澤 Bosco Wong, 陳偉霆 William Chan, 謝天華 Michael Tse, 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 金剛 King Kong, 趙榮 Zhao Rong, 陳嘉桓 Rose Chan, 洪天明 Timmy Hung, 廖啟智 Dick Liu, 李璨琛 Sam Lee
Directed By: 鍾澍佳 Chung Shu-Kai
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles: Traditional / Simplified Chinese, English
Rated: NC16
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2015
Production Year: 2014
Running Time: Approx. 104 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
當時被上司冤枉而失業、被女友以娜 (鄧麗欣 飾)劈腿而失戀的薛可正(黃宗澤 飾),在走投無路的情況下瞞著雙親與弟弟可勇(陳偉霆 飾) 一起做經紀賺快錢,炒倫敦金!因此,他要突圍而出,鋌而走險,卻險些賠上性命!幸好,得貴人相助,得以脫險。最終,賺上大錢;但到頭來,父親卻患癌,餘下日子不多!另一方面,遇上離婚少婦安兒,二人日久生情。人生卻給可正開了個玩笑,他發現以娜只是為了有病的弟弟,分手不是因為嫌棄他窮,是氣他從未關心。究竟錢能否賺回他與家人的親情,挽救父親的生命?究竟可正在以娜和安兒之間,如何抉擇?
Based On A True Story. Touching Movie That You Can’t Miss
One day, when Sit Ho Ching’s boss set him up and his girlfriend. Elna cheated on him, he suddenly became a jobless single man. He decides to pursue wealth and fame by all means, so he finds a job as a financial broker without parents knowing with his brother Ho Yong. It is no surprised that he put himself in a serious danger situation because of this job, and luckily saved by his uncle. Finally, he earns a lot of money but is shocked to know his father gets cancer. On the other hand, Ching meets with On Yi, a recent divorcee, and they grow fondness of each other. Meanwhile, he realizes that there are some misunderstanding between his ex-girlfriend to lead the broke-up. Could MONEY solve all of Ching’s problems, including the relationship with his family? The relationship between Elna and ON Yi?