Buddy Cops 刑警兄弟 (DVD)
Starring: 黃宗澤 Bosco Wong, 金剛 King Kong, 方皓玟 Charmaine Fong, 徐子珊 Kate Tsui
Directed By: 戚家基 Peter Tsi
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: NC16
Studio: Clover Films
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2016
Production Year: 2016
Running Time: Approx. 102 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
兩個來自單親家庭嘅阿 Sir 陳見飛(黃宗澤 飾)同 Johnny(金剛 飾)性格迥異,一個爛仔咁款,一個單純裙腳,成日火星撞地球。偏偏彼此嘅父母相戀,鬥氣冤家頓成哎吔巴打,仲住喺同一屋簷下,爆出大堆笑話。義氣仔阿飛懷疑前度 Bessie(方皓玟 飾)嘅老闆害死好兄弟,於是著佢暗中查探,卻隨即引來追殺,更牽連家人;戇直嘅 Johnny 亦睇唔過眼,為咗搜集罪證換取情報,不惜同醜樣但嗅覺極靈嘅毒品調查科小公主(徐子珊 飾)談情說愛。惡勢力當前,異姓兄弟終於放低成見,拍住上爲正義展開驚天一戰!
Fei (Bosco Wong) and Johnny (King Kong) are two rookie cops, raised in single-parent families. They are constantly bickering and can’t stand the presence of each other. Not only are they loggerheads at work, their lives further intertwined when each of their parent fell crazily in love and got married! Soon, the “brothers” are assigned to investigate a murder case that leads them to a big conspiracy, where hilarious happenings await.