Black & White: The Dawn of Justice 痞子英雄2: 黎明再起 (DVD)


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Starring: 趙又廷 Mark Chao, 林更新 Lin Geng Xin, 黃渤 Huang Bo, 張鈞甯 Chang Chun-ning, 修杰楷 Xiu Jie Kai, 鄒承恩 Tsou Cheng-En, 關穎 Terri Kwan
Directed By: 蔡岳勳 Tsai Yueh-Hsun
Audio Tracks: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English

Rated: PG13
Studio: Clover Films
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2015
Production Year: 2014
Running Time: Approx. 97 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD

SKU: LS01848 Categories: ,

Synopsis 剧情简介

重案組的明星警察吳英雄(趙又廷 飾)與天才刑警陳真(林更新 飾),一個憑直覺破案,一個凡事講求證據,二人性格迥異,卻因為一件震驚全城的連環恐怖爆炸案被迫搭檔破案。

一段神秘的影片突然流出,向海港城政府宣告末日即將降臨。在不明神秘組織策動的恐怖行動中全城10多處地區連環大爆炸,英雄和真找到“人肉炸彈”的通緝犯徐達夫, 得知其懷有身孕的老婆已被神秘組織挾持為人質,並將她的身體作為生化武器的活體試驗。敵人曾經是國家引以為傲的暗殺秘密部隊—「夜行者」,而「夜行者」密謀在24小時內啟動生化病毒全面屠城。軍方派出黑鷹部隊加入搶救人質行動,英雄與真腹背受敵,分不清真正敵人是誰?

Panic spreads the whole city as a series of bomb explosions happen within hours and this is just the beginning of a tight-knit conspiracy.

Righteous and impulsive police offer WU Ying-xiong, a hero in the harbor City, is paired up with the intelligent but arrogant loner CHEN Zhen to track down the mastermind behind the bombing incidents. Soon Wu and Chen discover that the bombings are just the prelude to a massive destruction. Stolen military missiles are now aimed at the Harbor City; moreover, a deadly virus is about to breakout, which is so highly contagious that it can devour the whole world in 14 days. All the chaos is planned by the Nightwalkers a secret assassination squad which used to serve the highest government officials. Facing the unprecedented crisis, the two-men team of totally opposite characteristics is the only hope to reverse the situation. Nonetheless, when moral standards are turned upside down, what faith should they keep to maintain the so-called justice?

Trailer 预告片

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