The Virtuous Queen of Han 大汉贤后卫子夫 (Chinese Drama DVD)


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中国古典扛鼎巨制   国际双语耀世之作

The Virtuous Queen of Han 大汉贤后卫子夫 Trailer

Product Information
Starring: 王珞丹 (Wang Luodan), 林峯 (Raymond Lam), 周丽淇 (Niki Chow), 沈泰 (Tai Shen), 徐正曦 (Jeremy Jones), 俞小凡 (Grace Yu), 陈莎莉 (Sally Chen)
Language:  Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2014
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 38 (完整版)

The Virtuous Queen of Han 大汉贤后卫子夫 Synopsis

「她」,一个平民歌女,没有娇艳媚态,没有显赫家势,却凭着睿智兰心和建立「和谐后宫」的决心,令一代雄主汉武帝与「她」相守四十八年,「她」是中国历史上第一位有独立谥号的皇后,也是在位时间第二长的皇后 – 卫子夫。卫子夫的传奇经历不仅改变了一己命运,也成就了一家功勋:其当敌勇敢、战无不胜、官至大将军的弟弟卫青;加上十八岁便勇冠三军、封「冠军侯」的外甥霍去病;二人立下赫赫战功,逼使外敌偃旗息鼓,大汉子民得到安定。


With her virtuous and humble personality, the ordinary geisha, Wei Zifu, was able to receive pampering from Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che, guardianship from swordsman Duan Hong, support from Princess Ping Yang, and care from her brother Wei Qing. Endured through the persecution and hardship brought by the Queen and Princess Guan Tao, Wei Zifu was canonized as Queen of Han and went on to establish a harmonious royal house of beauty. With her truthfulness and modesty, Wei Zifu gained respect and support from others to withstand all treacherous traps along the way.

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