In the Name of People 人民的名义 (Chinese Drama DVD)


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Starring: 张丰毅 (Zhang Feng Yi), 陆 毅 (Lu Yi), 吴刚 (Wu Gang), 许亚军 (Xu Ya Jun), 柯蓝 (Ke Lan), 张志坚 (Zhang Zhi Jian), 胡静 (Hu Jing), 张凯丽 (Kaili Zhang), 高亚麟 (Gao Yalin)
Language:  Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Release Date: 2017
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 1-55 (Complete Set)
Number of discs: 10 DVDs

SKU: LWS0694 Categories: ,

In the Name of People 人民的名义 Synopsis

一位國家部委的項目處長被人舉報受賄千萬﹐當高人民檢察院反貪總局偵查處處長侯亮平前來搜查時﹐看到的卻是一位長相憨厚、衣著朴素的“老農民”在簡陋破敗的舊房里吃炸醬面。當這位腐敗分子的面具被終撕開的同時﹐與之案件牽連甚緊的H省京州市副市長丁義珍﹐卻在一位神秘人物的暗中相助下﹐以反偵察手段逃脫法網﹐流亡海外。案件線索終定位於由京州光明峰項目引發的一家H省國企大風服裝廠的股權爭奪﹐牽連其中的各派政治勢力卻盤根錯節﹐撲朔迷離。H省檢察院反貪局長陳海在調查行動中遭遇離奇的車禍。為了完成當年同窗的未竟事業﹐精明乾練的侯亮平臨危受命﹐接任陳海未竟的事業。在H省政壇﹐以H省委副書記、政法委書記高育良為代錶的 “政法系”﹐以H省委常委、京州市委書記李達康為代錶的 “秘書幫” 相爭多年﹐不分軒輊。新任省委書記沙瑞金的到來﹐注定將打破這種政治的平衡局面﹐為H省的改革大業帶來新的氣息。

Hou (Lu Yi), the head investigator of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s anti-corruption bureau, is tasked to investigate allegations against state official Zhao (Hou Yung). When he arrives at Zhao’s home, he is greeted by a simple-looking man who appears to live an austere life. Hou eventually rips away Zhao’s mask of lies and discovers his hidden stash of bribe money. Meanwhile, vice mayor Ding (Xu Wenguang), who is also implicated in the scandal, manages to flee the country with the help of a mysterious shadow figure.

In the course of the investigation, Hou’s old classmate Chen (Huang Junpeng), the director of Handong Province’s anti-corruption bureau, gets gravely injured in a car accident. Hou takes over the director’s seat to continue the ballooning investigation while navigating Handong’s poisonous political climate. Handong politics has long been dominated by the rivalry between factions led by Provincial Committee Deputy Secretary Gao (Zhang Zhijian) and City Committee Secretary Li (Wu Gang), but the addition of newly installed Provincial Committee Secretary Sha (Zhang Fengyi) further upsets the political balance as Hou races to root out the corrupt elements.

In the Name of People 人民的名义 Trailer


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