Burning Hands 乘胜狙击 (TVB Drama DVD)
Burning Hands is a Hong Kong crime television drama produced by Yip Chan-fai and TVB. The plot follows a team of con artists and illusionists, who are hired by a casino tycoon to find the mastermind behind his casino’s embezzled funds. But the leader of the gang, Chak Koon-yat, has his own reasons for helping the mogul.
《乘胜狙击》是香港电视广播有限公司制作的时装剧,由陈展鹏、林夏薇、吴岱融及陈山聪领衔主演,傅嘉莉、潘志文及赵希洛联合主演。该剧讲述江湖上打滚多年的翟冠一为替师父报仇,联同肝胆相照好兄弟伍柏义和何正花,以及各有本领的同门师兄弟与赌王霍骏昇对战的故事。SGD$56.90SGD$79.90Burning Hands 乘胜狙击 (TVB Drama DVD)