Lady and the Tramp (DVD)
This Disney animated classic follows a pampered cocker spaniel named Lady (Barbara Luddy) whose comfortable life slips away once her owners have a baby. When, after some tense circumstances, Lady finds herself on the loose and out on the street, she is befriended and protected by the tough stray mutt Tramp (Larry Roberts). A romance begins to blossom between the two dogs, but their many differences, along with more drama at Lady’s household, threaten to keep them apart.
SGD$19.90Lady and the Tramp (DVD)
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Happy Once Again 再一次 (Korean Drama DVD)
A romantic comedy about a once-popular first generation girl-group, whose members are in their 30s and are living very different lives as well as the men they encounter as they fall in love once again.
《再一次》 又名 《再一次Happy Ending》 是由 张娜拉、郑敬淏、权律、刘仁娜、刘多仁主演。该剧主要讲述了韩国第一代女团组合Angels成员在离开娱乐圈后,与圈外男性展开爱情的故事。SGD$46.90SGD$69.90Happy Once Again 再一次 (Korean Drama DVD)
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She Was Pretty 她很漂亮 (Korean Drama DVD)
A romantic comedy about two past acquaintances who meet again after they’ve gone through a reversal of fortunes and appearances, set in the backdrop of a fashion magazine’s publishing office. It reunited Hwang Jung-eum with Park Seo-joon, who previously starred together in Kill Me, Heal Me and Hwang Jung-eum with Go Joon-hee, who previously starred together in Can You Hear My Heart. 该剧主要讲述了儿时财貌双全、长大后却一无所有的女主人公与儿时默默无闻、长大后却变身为完美男子的男主人公之间搞笑的爱情故事。
SGD$62.90SGD$89.90She Was Pretty 她很漂亮 (Korean Drama DVD)
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My Ages Apart 誇世代 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition
My Ages Apart is a 2017 comedy drama produced by TVB starring Bobby Au-yeung, Moses Chan, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin, Ali Lee and Maggie Shiu.
《夸世代》是一部香港无线时装商战、科幻、喜剧、恩仇电视剧,由欧阳震华、陈豪、张继聪、田蕊妮、李佳芯及邵美琪领衔主演,并由许绍雄、关礼杰、森美、江美仪、龚嘉欣及姜大卫联合主演。监制陈维冠。该剧制作费逾5000万港元。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼14部剧集之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一、2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一,亦为无线电视50周年4部台庆剧之一。该剧主要讲述宋仲基因一次坠机意外与包豹互换身体,与邝港生和刘行联手,兵分三路混入尚家的故事。于2017年11月6日在TVB首播,获得2017年度TVB万千星辉颁奖典礼最佳剧集奖。SGD$76.90SGD$99.90My Ages Apart 誇世代 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition
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LUCKY BOY chronicles several decades of the lives of Lin Yu (Wang Weiliang), his family, friends and Qingqing (Venus Wong) – the girl whom he falls in love with in primary school and continues pinning for throughout his tumultuous and eventful life. Lin Yu is always one step behind others and surrounded by misfortune… Will Lin Yu, the destined “unlucky” boy, be able to change his fate?
SGD$19.90LUCKY BOY 天公仔 (DVD)
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Railroad Tigers 铁道飞虎 (DVD)
Railroad Tigers is a 2016 Chinese action comedy film directed by Ding Sheng and starring Jackie Chan. It is about a railroad worker who leads a team of freedom fighters to oppose the Japanese in order to get food for the poor.《铁道飞虎》由丁晟执导,成龙、黄子韬、王凯、王大陆等人主演的动作喜剧电影。该片主要讲述了抗日战争期间,由铁路工人和平民百姓组成的铁道飞虎队巧妙击败日军的传奇故事。
SGD$19.90Railroad Tigers 铁道飞虎 (DVD)
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Tiger Mom Blues 親親我好媽 (TVB Drama DVD)
Tiger Mom Blues is a 2017 Hong Kong Drama produced by Kwan Wing-chung and TVB. It stars Michelle Yim, Sharon Chan, Elena Kong, Ben Wong, Koni Lui and Kaman Kong.《亲亲我好妈》是一部时装温情电视剧,由江美仪、黄智贤、陈敏之及米雪领衔主演,并由吕慧仪、何广沛、江嘉敏、韦家雄、卢宛茵及曾伟权联合主演,监制关永忠。故事透过香港教育制度、怪兽家长、生活压力等社会话题,带出家庭伦理。
SGD$46.90SGD$69.90Tiger Mom Blues 親親我好媽 (TVB Drama DVD)
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Kung Fu Yoga 功夫瑜伽 (DVD)
Kung Fu Yoga is a 2017 action-adventure comedy film written and directed by Stanley Tong.
《功夫瑜伽》是中印合拍功夫喜剧电影,由唐季礼执导,成龙、李治廷、张艺兴、母其弥雅、迪莎·帕塔尼、索努·苏德等主演。影片讲述了一位考古学家被一张千年前的地图所吸引,在中印两国间寻找“神秘宝石”的冒险的故事。SGD$24.90Kung Fu Yoga 功夫瑜伽 (DVD)
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Uncontrollably Fond 任意依恋 (Korean Drama DVD)
This drama is about an angst melodrama driven by Kim Woo-bin, who puts in a moving performance as a man desperate to help his love.
本剧讲述了男女主人公以不同身份再度相遇,从而展开的爱情故事。SGD$56.90SGD$79.90Uncontrollably Fond 任意依恋 (Korean Drama DVD)
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See You Tomorrow 摆渡人 (DVD)
See You Tomorrow is a 2016 Chinese-Hong Kong romantic comedy film written and directed by Chinese writer Zhang Jiajia in his directorial debut and produced by Wong Kar-wai with Alibaba Pictures. It is based loosely on Zhang's own best-selling book Passing From Your World in the collection I Belonged to You. It stars Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Angelababy. A bar owner ferries lonely people through their heartbreaks and undertakes a radio DJ under his wing.
爱情喜剧片《摆渡人》是由王家卫监制,张嘉佳执导并担任编剧,梁朝伟、金城武、陈奕迅、杨颖(Angelababy)、张榕容、杜鹃、熊黛林、大鹏、马苏、崔志佳、贾玲、李璨琛、柳岩联合出演、李宇春友情客串、鹿晗特别出演。该片讲述了“金牌摆渡人”酒吧老板陈末和合伙人管春拯救情感落水者的故事。SGD$19.90See You Tomorrow 摆渡人 (DVD)
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Rogue Emperor 流氓皇帝 (TVB Drama DVD)
Rogue Emperor is a remake of TVB’s 1981 drama The Misadventure of Zoo, which starred Adam Cheng and Louise Lee as the leads.
《流氓皇帝》是2016年TVB出品的民国喜剧电视剧,该剧翻拍自1981年播出的由郑少秋、李司棋主演的同名电视剧《流氓皇帝》。SGD$45.00SGD$59.90Rogue Emperor 流氓皇帝 (TVB Drama DVD)
SGD$45.00SGD$59.90 -
Come Back Alive 回来吧大叔 (Korean Drama DVD)
After being worked to death, Kim Young Soo (Kim In Kwon) gets the chance to live a charmed life when he possesses Lee Hae Joon (Rain), a hottie and all around perfect guy. Meanwhile, Hong Nan (Oh Yeon Seo) starts behaving as if she’s possessed by a man, and Shin Da Hye (Lee Min Jung) — a widow with new romantic appetites — turn Hae Joon’s department store upside down.
《回来吧大叔》改编自日本作家浅田次郎作品《椿山课长的七天》,主要讲述了不幸过世的两位大叔获得重返人间的机会,却因重生身份不同,逐步发现生前所陷入的阴谋,并尽力守护所爱之人的故事。该剧是由郑智薰、吴涟序、李珉廷、金秀路等主演。SGD$46.90SGD$69.90Come Back Alive 回来吧大叔 (Korean Drama DVD)