• 再創世紀 Another Era (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    In 2008, as the tsunami of financial chaos engulfed the world , ambitious entrepreneur HO TIN-SANG (Kwok Chun On) saw the opportunity seeking to take over the richest man in Hong Kong, FONG CHUNG-YAM’s (Wu Fong) business empire, but was interfered by another business magnate CHEUK KAI-TONG (Pat Poon). Bearing animosity towards him, TIN-SANG has been seeking revenge since then. Ten years later, the now wealthiest Cheuk family is overshadowed by misfortune. The sudden death of KAI-TONG’s son comes as a crushing blow to KAI-TONG, who lapses into a coma after a heart attack. To keep their business going, his inexperience younger daughter CHEUK DING-YIU (Chow Lai Ki, Niki), with the help of private enquiry placement agent, KO CHIT (Frankie Lam), faces off with TIN-SANG. With KAI-TONG regaining consciousness, TIN-SANG’s wife CHEUNG MING-HEI (Tavia Yeung), CHUNG-YAM’s grandson FONG CHAK-YU (Benjamin Yuen) and aspiring young entrepreneur CHING HOI (Chau Pak Ho) also get involved in the ever-escalating power struggle. The enmity among them will soon intensify towards a full-blown rivalry……

  • 天命 Succession War (TVB Drama DVD)

    和坤(陳展鵬)才智過人, 深得乾隆帝寵信, 權傾朝野, 營私植黨, 人稱「二皇帝」。
    皇十五子永琰(譚俊彥)看似平庸, 與世無爭, 遂得和坤相中, 扶植為皇位繼承人。 嘉慶四年,乾隆駕崩,嘉慶帝先後說服和坤兒子豐紳殷德(何廣沛)以及心腹福長安(陳山聰)倒戈相向,意圖以雷霆手段將和坤及其黨羽一舉殲滅。 然而老謀深算的和坤早有對策, 不但化解嘉慶連番攻擊; 更反客為主, 揭出皇貴妃(李施嬅)一段不可告人的秘密, 令家慶腹背受敵!
    和坤二夫人長媚(姚子羚)和紅顏知己豆蔻(唐詩詠)亦在宮中與江湖上分頭行事, 令一向支持家慶的親弟永璘(張穎康)與之反目成仇, 而白蓮教也在江湖上與風作浪, 令家慶陷入絕境。 豈料天命難違⋯⋯
    HESHEN (Ruco Chan), brilliant and favoured by EMPEROR QIANLONG, has influence over the throne. He forges extensive factional alliances for shared venality and is dubbed the “Second Emperor”. PRINCE YONGYAN (Shaun Tam), the 15th son of the Emperor, appears mediocre with no ambition, so is selected by HESHEN as first line to the throne. After the death of QIANLONG in the 4th year of EMPEROR JIAQING’s reign, JIAQING manages to convince HESHEN’s son FENGSHEN-YINDE (Matthew Ho) and confidant FUCHANG’AN (Joel Chan) to turn their coat, seeking to sweepingly eliminate HESHEN and his cronies. But, wily HESHEN comes prepared. Facing JIAQING’s attacks, he not only manages to solve this crisis, but also turns the tables, exposing the unspeakable secret of ROYAL NOBLE CONSORT (Selena Lee). Suddenly, JIAQING is caught in the crossfire!
    HESHEN’s second wife CHANG MEI (Elain Yiu) and female confidant DOUKOU (Natalie Tong) act separately inside and outside the imperial court, turning JIAQING’s longtime supporter/own brother PRINCE YONGLIN (Jonathan Cheung) into his enemy. With the White Lotus Sect wreaking havoc nationwide, JIAQING is plugged into despair. However, he is a man with a mandate from heaven……

  • Line Walker: The Prelude 使徒行者2 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    Line Walker: The Prelude is a 2017 drama produced by TVB. It is the prequel to the 2014 drama Line Walker. It stars Michael Miu, Benz Hui, Moses Chan, Jessica Hsuan, Benjamin Yuen, Chau Pak-ho, Priscilla Wong and Alice Chan.

  • The Legend of the Blue Sea 蓝色海洋的传说 (Korean Drama DVD)

    The Legend of the Blue Sea is a South Korean television series starring Jun Ji-hyun and Lee Min-ho. Inspired by a classic Joseon legend from Korea’s first collection of unofficial historical tales, about a fisherman who capture and kidnapped a mermaid, this drama tells the love story of a con-artist and a mermaid who travels across the ocean to find him.

  • Doctors 医生们 (Korean Drama DVD)

    Doctor Crush / Doctors is a 2016 South Korean medical drama starring Kim Rae-won and Park Shin-hye. The drama was a hit and averaged 18.40% in audience ratings. Yoo Hye Jung was a tough bully in school with a prickly personality and always goes wayward. She had many scars from her childhood and through self-preservation, Hye Jung keeps her heart shut away from other people. However, she changes after meeting her mentor Hong Ji Hong who plays a key role in transforming her life from a helpless gangster to a compassionate doctor.

  • Brilliant Heritage 絕妙的遺產 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Park In-hwan 朴仁煥, Kang Se-jung 姜世貞, Shin Jung-yoon 申正允, Kim Bi-joo 金菲珠, Kang Shin-jo 姜信祖, Lee Ah-hyun 李雅賢, Nam Sung-jin 南誠軫, Kim Ga-yeon 金佳嬿, Park Shin-woo 朴申宇, Jo Yang-ja 趙陽子, Park Soon-chun 朴順天, Kim Nan-joo 金蘭珠
    Directed by: Kim Hyeong-il 金亨日
    Total Episodes: 1-122 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 8 February 2022
    Production Year: 2020
    Running Time: Approx. 30 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVD

  • The Line Watchers 把關者們 (TVB Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 袁偉豪 Benjamin Yuen、陳家樂 Carlos Chan、黃智雯 Mandy Wong、王敏奕 Venus Wong、 劉佩玥 Moon Lau、馬貫東 Mark Ma、陳自瑤 Yoyo Chen、羅天宇 Joey Law、 丁子朗 Karl Ting、劉穎鏇 Tiffany Lau
    Directed by: 關樹明 Guan Shu Ming
    Total Episodes: 1-27 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: NC16
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 29 October 2021
    Production Year: 2021
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

  • Beautiful Love Wonderful Life 愛情是Beautiful 人生是Wonderful (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Seol In-ah 薛仁雅, Kim Jae-young 金宰永, Jo Yoon-hee 趙胤熙, Yoon Park 尹博, Oh Min-suk 吳珉錫
    Directed by: Han Joon-Seo
    Total Episodes: 1-100 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 12 May 2021
    Production Year: 2019
    Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVDs 

  • Mother of Mine 世上最漂亮的女兒 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 金海淑 Kim Hae-sook、裕善 Yoo Sun、金素妍 Kim So-yeon、 洪宗玄 Hong Jong-hyun、崔明吉 Choi Myung-gil、金荷景 Kim Ha-kyung
    Directed by: Kim Jong-chang
    Total Episodes: 1-108 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 17 November 2020
    Production Year: 2019
    Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVDs 

  • It’s My Life 讓開吧命運 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 朴胤載 Park Yun-jae、徐孝琳 Seo Hyo-rim、姜泰成 Kang Tae-seong、 陳藝瑟 Jin Ye-sol
    Directed by: Kwak Gi-won
    Total Episodes: 1-124 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: KBS
    Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 05 October 2020
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVDs 

  • Encounter 男朋友 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Song Hye-kyo 宋慧喬, Park Bo-gum 朴寶劍, Jang Seung-jo 張勝祖, Nam Kee-ee 南基愛, Cha Hwa-yeon 車和娟, Moon Sung-keun 文盛瑾
    Directed by: Park Shin-woo
    Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: CJ E&M
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 07 August 2020
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

  • A Korean Odyssey 화유기 花遊記 (Korean Drama DVD)

    Product Information
    Starring: Son Oh-gong (by Lee Seung-gi) 齊天大聖 孫悟空-李昇基 飾 | Woo Ma-wang (by Cha Seung-Won) 牛魔王 吳輝-車勝元 飾 | Jin Sun-mi (by Oh Yeon-seo) 唐三藏 陳善美-吳漣序 飾 | P.K. (by Lee Hong-gi) 豬八戒 P.K.-李洪基 飾| Yoon Dae-sik (by Jang Guang) 沙悟淨 尹大植-張光 飾
    Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Image Resolution: High Definition
    Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
    Subtitles: English | Chinese
    Release Date: 20/9/23
    Number of Episodes: 20
    Number of Dics: 5 DVDs

  • BB來了 Who Wants A Baby (DVD)

    意外懷孕令唐恬兒(李佳芯)和葉致廷(黎諾懿)夫妻二人大失預算, 本可寄望雙方母親大人的幫忙, 可惜兩老育嬰方式南轅北轍, 衝突頻生, 令夫妻落入24小時無間湊女地獄, 為勢所迫終請來陪月達人王佳妙(楊卓娜)救亡。 因為BB來了,令恬兒狠心告別時尚愛美的事業, 致廷要遠離夜夜笙歌的品味人生, 恬兒更為事業轉型及爭取時間照顧女兒, 毅然接手經營陪月中介公司, 經佳妙穿針引線接觸不少雇主和陪月, 令恬兒對母親這新身分別有一番體會, 但與致廷卻漸行漸遠, 更懷疑他與酒吧同時許晴(高海寧)有染; 誰料到致廷因一次意外中勇救小孩而成了網紅的「絕世好爸」, 另陪月公司竄升育嬰界KOL, 带来翻天地覆的⋯⋯

    An unexpected pregnancy catches couple TONG TIM-YEE (Ali Lee) and IP CHI-TING (Lai Lok Yi) off guard, so they hire an experienced confinement nanny, WONG KAI-MIU (Griselda Yeung), to help them. The arrival of her newborn forces TIM-YEE to change her career and take over a post-natal care agency. In her role as a new mom, she is struck with a newfound appreciation, but feels like she and her husband are growing apart. She even suspects that he has an affair with his coworker bartender HUI CHING (Samantha Ko). Surprisingly, CHI-TING captivates the internet after bravely saving a child in an accident, and is dubbed the “greatest dad” ever, turning thing upside down……

  • Fight For My Way 三流之路 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

    Fight for My Way is a South Korean television series starring Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won, with Ahn Jae-hong and Song Ha-yoon. The series was the slot leader during its entire run and topped TV popularity index for three consecutive weeks. It was praised for its realistic plot.
    《三流之路》为韩国KBS于2017年5月22日起播出的月火连续剧,由朴叙俊及金智媛主演,《善良的男人》导演李娜静与《白熙回来了》编剧林尚春共同合作的作品。此剧主要刻画的是没有钱没有背景,过着配角人生的男女主人公高东万(朴叙俊 饰)和崔爱罗(金智媛 饰)勇于追求梦想的青春励志浪漫爱情故事。

  • Good Manager 金科长 (Korean Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

    Good Manager is a Korean drama starring Namkoong Min, Nam Sang-mi, Lee Jun-ho and Jung Hye-sung.


  • Law dis-Order 律政強人 (TVB Drama DVD)

    Law dis-Order centers its story on two authority and money-hungry lawyers, and how their obsession for power pushes them further and further away from morality. This drama brings back award-winning veteran actors Alex Fong (方中信) and Liu Kai-chi (廖啟智) in their first collaboration together at TVB.
    《律政强人》是由香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作,罗永贤监制,方中信、廖启智、黄智雯、李佳芯、刘丹、钟景辉等主演的时装法律剧。 有人说法律的基本精神是维护公义,然而在功利挂帅的现实社会,法律被视作巧取豪夺的利刃。律师身为把关者,有多少能够按着良心,守住公义的底线? 该剧讲述律师行老板卓继尧因担心被下属刘谨昌谋朝篡位,遂招揽张强加入以牵制对方,展开律师楼内一场权力游戏的故事。

  • All About My Mom 拜託妈妈 (Korean Drama DVD)

    Jin-Ae (Eugene) has a love and hate relationship with her mother San-Ok. She dreams of becoming independent from her family and especially from her mother. Jin-Ae falls in love with Hoon-Jae and marries him. Meanwhile, what awaits for Jin-Ae is her new mother-in-law. While experiencing difficult times with her mother-in-law, Jin-Ae begins to understand her mother San-Ok for the first time.

  • You Are the Only One 我的愛屬於你 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 韓彩雅 Han Chae-A、成赫 Sung Hyuk、池珠妍 Ji Joo Yeon、金海淑 Kim Hae-sook、姜南吉 Kang Nam Gil
    Directed by: 陳亨旭 Jin Hyung-wook 
    Total Episodes: 1-120 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 12 May 2016
    Production Year: 2014
    Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVD

  • It’s Alright This Is Love

    Main cast: Jo In-Seong,Kong Hyo-jin,Seong Dong-il,Lee Gwang-soo,Jin Kyeong,Lee Seong-kyeong.
    Director: Kim Kyoo-tae
    Total Episodes: 16
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitle: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG
    Studio: CJ
    Release Date: 17/02/2015
    Production Year: 2014
    Running Time: Approx. 960min (16 Episodes)
    No. of Disc: 4

    It’s Alright This Is Love


    Main cast: 宣萱 Jessica Hsuan、胡杏兒 Myolie Wu、陳錦鴻 Sunny Chan、黃淑儀 Gigi Wong
    Total Episodes: 31
    Historical fiction
    Audio Tracks:
    Mandarin & Cantonese
    Chinese & English
    Release Date:
    Production Year:
    Running Time:
    Approx. 1395 min (31 Episodes)
    No. of Disc:

  • Homemade Love Story Oh! 三光公寓 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Jeon In-hwa 錢忍和, Jin Ki-joo 秦基周, Lee Jang-woo 李章宇, Bona 苞娜, Han Bo-reum 韓寶凜, Ryeo Un 高允煥, Jeong Bo-seok 郑普碩, Jin Kyung 陳慶, Lee Seung-hyung 李承亨, Hwang Shin-Hye 黃薪惠, Dong Ha 東夏, Jeong Jae-Sun 鄭在順
    Directed by: Hong Seok-ku 洪碩九
    Total Episodes: 1-100 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 24 March 2022
    Production Year: 2020
    Running Time: Approx. 30 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVD

  • Once Again 結過一次了 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Lee Min-jung 李珉廷, Lee Sang-yeob 李相燁, Lee Sang-yi 李相二, Chun Ho Jin 千虎珍, Cha Hwa-yeon 車和娟, Oh Dae-hwan 吳代煥, Oh Yoon-ah 吳允兒, Lee Cho-hee 李礎熙, Lee Jung-eun 李姃垠, Baek Ji-won 白智媛, Kim Bo-yeon 金甫娟
    Directed by: Lee Jae-sang 李在尚
    Total Episodes: 1-100 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: KBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 23 December 2021
    Production Year: 2020
    Running Time: Approx. 35 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 12 DVD

  • Doctor Romantic 2 浪漫醫生金師傅2 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Han Suk-kyu 韓石圭, Ahn Hyo-seop 安孝燮, Lee Sung-kyung 李聖經, Kim Joo-hun 金柱憲
    Directed by: Yoo In-sik, Lee Gil-bok
    Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: NC16
    Studio: SBS
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 02 May 2021
    Production Year: 2020
    Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

  • C.L.I.F 5 警徽天职之海岸卫队 (MediaCorp Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 林慧玲 (Rebecca Lim), 包勋评 (Shane Pow), 朱哲伟 (Joel Choo), 何盈莹 (He Ying Ying), 张鈞淯 (Nick Teo), 陈泰铭 (Rayson Tan), 方展发 (Pierre Png), 卢传瑾 (Kayly Loh), 郭亮 (Guo Liang), 王昱清 (Wang Yu Qing), 杨一展 (Weber Yang), 谢俊峰 (James Seah), 罗美仪 (Bonnie Loo), 许美珍 (Cynthia Koh), 潘玲玲 (Pan Ling Ling), 郑各评 (Zheng Ge Ping), 陈天文 (Chen Tian Wen)
    Directed by: Oh Liang Cai 胡凉財, Gao Shu Yi 高淑怡
    Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: Mediacorp
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 01 April 2020
    Production Year: 2019
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

    C.L.I.F. 警徽天职 can be found here
    C.L.I.F. 2 警徽天职2 can be found here
    C.L.I.F. 3 警徽天职3 can be found here
    C.L.I.F. 4 警徽天职4 can be found here

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