• Line Walker: The Prelude 使徒行者2 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    Line Walker: The Prelude is a 2017 drama produced by TVB. It is the prequel to the 2014 drama Line Walker. It stars Michael Miu, Benz Hui, Moses Chan, Jessica Hsuan, Benjamin Yuen, Chau Pak-ho, Priscilla Wong and Alice Chan.

  • Legal Mavericks 踩過界 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    Legal Mavericks is a Legal, Crime, Detective television drama created by Lam Chi-wah and TVB.《踩过界》(又名:《盲侠大律师》)是TVB和爱奇艺联合出品的都市探案题材情感剧,由林志华监制,王浩信、蔡思贝、李佳芯、张振朗、朱千雪等主演。该剧主要讲述四位年轻人用不同的专业角色和处案手法,维护无辜者的法律权利,在情与法中伸张正义的故事。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。男主角王浩信于《星和无线电视大奖2017》及《万千星辉颁奖典礼2017》 中凭“文申侠”一角夺得“最佳男主角”殊荣,成为“视帝”。

  • The Unholy Alliance 同盟 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    The Unholy Alliance is an action crime-thriller television drama created by Jazz Boon and TVB.

    Boon has described The Unholy Alliance as a Mission: Impossible-style action thriller that features modern martial arts, including MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga and gun fu. It stars Nina Paw, Ruco Chan, Nancy Wu, Joel Chan, Elaine Yiu, Kwok Fung, Jimmy Au, KK Cheung, and Elena Kong. The Unholy Alliance follows a modern Hong Kong crime family, led by the matriarch Ling Hung (Paw).
    《同盟》是由《城寨英雄》原班人马打造,陈展鹏、胡定欣、鲍起静、姚子羚、陈山聪等主演。 该剧讲述了运动好手高子杰在垦丁被一群杀手施袭,后独自回港查出真相,并牵引出一连串恩怨情仇的故事。

  • Oh My Grad 老表,毕业喇! (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    Like its previous installments, the grand scheme of focuses on societal issues. While 2013’s discussed China-HK relations, 2014’s tells the story of an environmentalist, a celebrity, and a wealthy family. Oh My Grad, on the other hand, centers on the theme of learning and education.

  • 果欄中的江湖大嫂 Apple-colada (TVB Drama DVD)


    Once married into wealth but now debt-ridden, LEE MUNG-LU (Alice Chan) returns to Hong Kong from Malaysia to seek refuge with her niece LEE LOK-YEE (Eliza Sam). They are poles apart, often bricking. By chance, MUNG-LU learns that the fruit market owned by her elder brother was seized by FUNG TAI-KIN (Wong Kwong Leung) and his nephew FUNG BO (Rayong Wong). She seeks to reclaim the property by hook or by crook but ends up in hilarious chaos. LOK-YEE and her schoolmate WONG YAU-CHOI (Mat Yeung) are social workers devoted to helping others in Yau Ma Tei. They encounter legendary CHAN YUK-MAN (Crystal Fung) and get caught up in a controversy surrounding the fruit market and the society. Having gone through many ups and downs, MUNG-LU, LOK-YEE and YUK-MAN eventually bring significant change to the out-of-date fruit market……

  • 飛虎之潛行極戰 Flying Tiger (TVB Drama DVD)


    During a promotion ceremony for police officers, Senior Superintendent KO YAT-TAI (Hugo Ng) is taken hostage. Seeing his father in danger, OCTB Senior Inspector KO KA-CHUN (Ron Ng) is unable to do anything. In a split second, YAT-TAI’s elder son KO KA-LONG (Bosco Wong), a member of the Flying Tigers, demonstrates his excellent marksmanship to save him, which unexpectedly acts as trigger to bring what was buried in the KO family back to light. A recent spate of murders of undercover cops, a surge of new drugs, and terrorist groups are portent of a menacing future…… Confronting complications, Superintendent LIP YU-HONG (Michael Miu) fights relentlessly to bust a criminal mastermind. Meanwhile, caught in their own relationship dilemma, two brothers, KA-LONG and KA-CHUN, end up going their separate ways , turning into rivals……

  • Love In Trouble 奇怪的搭檔 (Korean Drama DVD)

    Product Information

    Alternative Name: Suspicious Partner
    Starring: Noh Ji-wook (by Ji Chang-wook) 盧智旭(池昌旭 飾) & Eun Bong-hee (by Nam Ji-hyun) 殷奉熙(南志鉉 飾)
    Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Image Resolution: High Definition
    Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
    Subtitles: English | Chinese
    Release Date: July 2024
    Number of Episodes: 20
    Number of Dics: 5 DVDs

  • Hospital Ship 醫療船 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

    Army doctor board a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves peoples who live on remote islands. But were these doctors interested in helping underprivileged people for free? Not at all. There is the non-army doctor Eun-jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed. Kwak Hyun who practices internal medicine is the first army doctor to volunteer for duty on the hospital ship. Then there is the irritating Jae-geol, an oriental medicine doctor who drew the short straw and now has to serve on the hospital ship. A bunch of doctors with different backgrounds find themselves afloat at sea.They are too old to be called youthful doctors as they are all in their thirties. Though they have skills obtained through long years of studying in medical school, their hearts and souls are barren. This is coming-of-age story about doctors who have experience setbacks in life that they are trying to bounce back from while they learn how to be compassionate doctor and pursue fulfilling lives.


  • 天命 Succession War (TVB Drama DVD)

    和坤(陳展鵬)才智過人, 深得乾隆帝寵信, 權傾朝野, 營私植黨, 人稱「二皇帝」。
    皇十五子永琰(譚俊彥)看似平庸, 與世無爭, 遂得和坤相中, 扶植為皇位繼承人。 嘉慶四年,乾隆駕崩,嘉慶帝先後說服和坤兒子豐紳殷德(何廣沛)以及心腹福長安(陳山聰)倒戈相向,意圖以雷霆手段將和坤及其黨羽一舉殲滅。 然而老謀深算的和坤早有對策, 不但化解嘉慶連番攻擊; 更反客為主, 揭出皇貴妃(李施嬅)一段不可告人的秘密, 令家慶腹背受敵!
    和坤二夫人長媚(姚子羚)和紅顏知己豆蔻(唐詩詠)亦在宮中與江湖上分頭行事, 令一向支持家慶的親弟永璘(張穎康)與之反目成仇, 而白蓮教也在江湖上與風作浪, 令家慶陷入絕境。 豈料天命難違⋯⋯
    HESHEN (Ruco Chan), brilliant and favoured by EMPEROR QIANLONG, has influence over the throne. He forges extensive factional alliances for shared venality and is dubbed the “Second Emperor”. PRINCE YONGYAN (Shaun Tam), the 15th son of the Emperor, appears mediocre with no ambition, so is selected by HESHEN as first line to the throne. After the death of QIANLONG in the 4th year of EMPEROR JIAQING’s reign, JIAQING manages to convince HESHEN’s son FENGSHEN-YINDE (Matthew Ho) and confidant FUCHANG’AN (Joel Chan) to turn their coat, seeking to sweepingly eliminate HESHEN and his cronies. But, wily HESHEN comes prepared. Facing JIAQING’s attacks, he not only manages to solve this crisis, but also turns the tables, exposing the unspeakable secret of ROYAL NOBLE CONSORT (Selena Lee). Suddenly, JIAQING is caught in the crossfire!
    HESHEN’s second wife CHANG MEI (Elain Yiu) and female confidant DOUKOU (Natalie Tong) act separately inside and outside the imperial court, turning JIAQING’s longtime supporter/own brother PRINCE YONGLIN (Jonathan Cheung) into his enemy. With the White Lotus Sect wreaking havoc nationwide, JIAQING is plugged into despair. However, he is a man with a mandate from heaven……

  • Black Knight 黑骑士 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

    What can and can’t be seen? What exists that can’t be perceived? What if there is a type of power that we are unable to feel and don’t know about? Supplementing that unknown mysterious power with our imagination, we’ve created a love story between a man and a woman. KBS Drama is a romance drama about a man who accepts his risky fate for the woman he loves.

    有些東西,肉眼看不到它,但它的確存在卻不為人知。人類無從感知也尚未發現它是一個怎樣的存在。 在這個神秘之力加上一點人類的想像力, 創造了一對男女的愛情故事。 KBS電視劇《黑騎士》是講述了純情派男主為了心愛的女人, 不惜捲入危險命運之中的溫暖的愛情故事。

  • Money Flower 돈꽃 金钱花 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

    Managing director Kang Pil-joo is envied by many inside the Chungah Group where he is known for his intelligence and high-performance. He keeps his real identity a secret from the Chungah Group founding family and serves them like an obedient servant but he is actually grooming them for his scheme. His plan was to make Mo-hyun fall in love with him for his revenge, but he finds himself falling in desperately in love with her free-spirited personality. The “Money Flower” portrays a story of interlinked relationship between Pil-joo who is capable of bringing down Chungah, Mo-hyun who seeks love and a young Chungah Group scion named Bu-cheon. And these characters all come to the fore as money dictates their lives in a web of desire, greed and love.


  • Into the World Again / Reunited Worlds 다시만난세계 再次相逢的世界 (Collector’s Edition) Korean Drama DVD

    Hae-sung (by Yeo Jin-goo) disappears after a mysterious accident. 12 years later, he wakes up on the roof of his school building. He is now 31 years old, but he still has the appearance and personality of himself at age 19 when he disappeared. He reunites with Jung-won (by Lee Yeon-hee), his childhood friend and first love. The two of them end up being 12 years apart because Hae-sung was gone to another world. Hae-sung’s siblings were all separated after his death, so he brings them together. He later finds out that he was unjustly accused of killing someone after he died. To solve the mystery of his death and clear himself of a false charge, he begins his own investigation. Accompany him on this fantasy romance journey to find out where he will be at the end of the road.

    原本青梅竹馬的成海誠(呂珍九 飾)和鄭靜媛(李允熹 飾),在高中的時候因為特殊原因而分開,鄭靜媛一直以為成海誠已經去世。但是,12年之後鄭靜媛又再次遇到了成海誠。成海誠仍然是18歲的模樣,而此時的鄭靜媛已經31歲了。但是,兩人心中依然有著彼此,於是一段特殊的愛情就這樣開始了。

  • A Korean Odyssey 화유기 花遊記 (Korean Drama DVD)

    Product Information
    Starring: Son Oh-gong (by Lee Seung-gi) 齊天大聖 孫悟空-李昇基 飾 | Woo Ma-wang (by Cha Seung-Won) 牛魔王 吳輝-車勝元 飾 | Jin Sun-mi (by Oh Yeon-seo) 唐三藏 陳善美-吳漣序 飾 | P.K. (by Lee Hong-gi) 豬八戒 P.K.-李洪基 飾| Yoon Dae-sik (by Jang Guang) 沙悟淨 尹大植-張光 飾
    Disc Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Image Resolution: High Definition
    Languages: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean | Mandarin
    Subtitles: English | Chinese
    Release Date: 20/9/23
    Number of Episodes: 20
    Number of Dics: 5 DVDs

  • 跳躍生命線 Life on the Line (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    Ever since his wife CHEUNG WAI-SUM (Ali Lee) was killed by a drunk driver, Principal Ambulanceman MAK CHAY-TIN (Joe Ma) has been living together with his only daughter LOK-YEE, older sister OI-FA (Pinky Cheung) and sister-in-law CHEUNG HO-KEI (Moon Lau). The loss of his wife makes CHAY-TIN hate those rule-breakers and any reckless behaviours. At work, he is stern about everything! His new subordinate CHEUK KA-KIT (Matthew Ho) acts on impulse, and conflict often ensues as a result. Moreover, as a perfectionist, their new superior Probationary Ambulance Officer TAM JA-CHUN (Joey Law) constantly picks on KA-KIT, adding extra pressure to their teammates. Caught in the middle, CHAY-TIN works relentlessly to bridge the differences between them in an effort to promote a spirit of teamwork, cultivating an elite rescue unit to save more lives when facing a variety of challenges……

  • 是咁的,法官閣下 OMG! Your Honour (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    FAN SIU-YEE (Ben Wong) and YOUNG LIK-WANG (Eddie Kwan) are well-known barristers for criminal cases. Even though they have known each other for 30 years, they became enemies since the first day in law school. During their court case after graduation. SIU-YEE meets the TV anchor Mok HEI-LOI (Grace Wong) after losing his love. They get married swiftly but they separate after a few months. HEI-LOI meets LIK-WANG by chance and they got along really well. The love triangle has further worsened the relationship between SIU-YEE and LIK-WANG. On the contrary, their pupils have become friends but a lawyer’s life is not as good as what they think. Together with their two masters, the six pupils HA SUM-NING (Louisa Mak), CHIU KAM-SHUI (Oscar Leung), TUNG TAN-KU (Jonathan Wong), TUNG TAN-KIU (Jonathan Wong), TANG TAI-CHI (Jackson Lai), WONG TUNG (Kirby Lam) work hard to uphold law and justice while developing their skills and potentials stumblingly…

  • 兄弟 Fist Fight (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    Certified Protection Officer (CPO) HA TIN-HANG (Mat Yeung) is relocated from England to Hong Kong on a mission to protect a web leader named CHEUNG FEI-FAN (Vincent Wong), while searching for his birth family. Flamboyant and conceited FEI-FAN holds a sham boxing championship to cover the arrival of hackers, but gets himself into trouble in the process, fortunately TIN-HANG manages to help him out. The incident attracts the attention of a hot-headed cop named HO TIT-HAM made an unspeakable mistake on impulse, resulting in a radical change of his personality. With the boxing championship rousing their combative instincts, the gradual discovery of their telepathic abilities enables them to help each other through that common bond. Such an underlying close connection can even be traced back to a financial crisis twenty years ago……

  • 大帥哥 The Learning Curve of a Warlord (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

    在軍閥割據年代,小小伍長狄奇(張衛健飾)胸無大志,靠蠱惑腦袋、三寸不爛之舌打諢二十年。一次因拯救大元帥蒙大同( 蔡國慶飾),被連升七級,成為昇威鎮的土皇帝。讓三位盤踞鎮外的軍閥李細龜(張達倫飾)、麥先根(彭懷安飾)及佘南(古明華飾),氣得眼裡噴火,伺機對付。狄奇幸得三位出生入死的兄弟馬炭(洪永城飾)、羅義(徐榮飾)及冬來(李嘉飾)同心抗敵,還威迫利誘武器專才顧落蘆(曹永廉飾)加盟,五人在昇威鎮才能站穩陣腳。狄奇有三位姨太太葉天嬌(譚凱琪飾)、艾妞(楊秀惠飾)及張浣婉(蔡思貝飾),終日爭寵,浣婉更是革命黨元,狄奇明知其身份仍留她在身邊,隨時惹禍上身。軍營中有人野心勃勃,加上軍閥及日本勢力虎視眈眈,另狄奇陷入絕境⋯⋯

    In the Warlord Era, DIK KEI (Dicky Cheung) is a lowly captain without any ambition. He has been using his crafty ideas and fast-talking to survive the past twenty years. Due to successfully saving Marshal MUNG TAI-TUNG (Tsai Kwok Hing), he is successively promoted seven grades and becomes a bully calling the shots in Sing Wai Town. Three warlords, namely, LI SAI-KWAI (Max Cheung), MAK SIN-GAN (Eddie Pang) and SHEH NAM (Jerry Ku), in an adjacent territory really hate their new neighbour and are plotting to wreak havoc. Fortunately, DIK KEI has three loyal brothers, namely, MA TAN (Tony Hung), LAW YEE (Tsui Wing) and TUNG LOI (Oscar Li) to help him handle the enemies. They even coerce weapons expert KOO LOK-LO (Raymond Cho) to join their team. The quintet eventually manage to gain a foothold in Sing Wai Town. DIK KEI has three mistresses, namely, YIP TIN-KIU (Zoie Tam), NGAI NAU (Vivien Yeo) and CHEUNG YUEN-YUEN (Sisley Choi) DIK KEI puts himself in danger as he knows YUEN-YUEN is a revolutionary, but he still lets her keep him company. Some people are getting overly ambitious at the military camp. Also, warlords and Japanese forces are watching very closely, causing DIK KEI’s situations to get increasing precarious.

  • 荷里活有個大老千 I Bet Your Pardon (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    LUNG SEI (Kent Cheung) of the “Con Eight” is thrown in jail after being framed by Chinese Chief Detective MAN HUNG (Kent Tong) and his senior PING FUNG (Paul Chun). MAN HUNG even steals his girlfriend PAK-HOP (Angie Cheong). Five years later, now top producer LUNG SEI not only has SHU KEI (Choi Hon Yik) and MAN KEI (James Ng) as his right-hand men, but is also reunited with his daughter SIU-YU (Ada Wong). After the murder of his fellow album TONG-WAI (Wong Pak Man), LUNG SEI believes his disciple AH-LONG (Edward Ma) is the culprit, triggering a gambling showdown between them…… SIU-YU confides in dancing teacher PAK-HOP and LUNG SEI, but they are crushed by furious MAN HUNG. En route to jail, LUNG SEI is released by a mystery man. They set a trap, pledging to lure the all-powerful MAN-HUNG into it……

  • 要先接吻吗 키스 먼저 할까요 Shall We Kiss First (Korean Drama DVD)


    This is a love story between a man and a woman in their 40s. He was once a popular copywriter. Now, he’s just an old-schooled man who prefers the good old days of analog. He’s a touchy, sharp-tongued man whose life changes when he meets her. She was once married, now being asked to resign. Filled with angst over her life, she believed that she would never find love, until she met him. This is a love story of two grown people who are unskilled when it comes to love. It’s a real melodrama between people who believed they knew what life had to offer.

  • Fates and Furies 命運與憤怒 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Lee Min-jung (李珉廷) | Joo Sang-wook (朱相昱) | So Yi-hyun (苏怡贤) | Lee Ki-woo (李己雨)
    Language: Korean | Mandarin
    Subtitles: English | Chinese
    Release Date: 2019
    Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Number of episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Number of discs: 5 DVDs

  • Big White Duel (2019) 白色強人 (TVB Drama DVD)

    Starring: 郭晋安 (Roger Kwok)、马国明 (Kenneth Ma)、唐诗咏 (Natalie Tong)、李佳芯 (Ali Lee)、何广沛 (Matthew Ho)、张曦雯 (Kelly Cheung)、姜大卫 (David Chiang)、蒋志光 (Ram Chiang)、冯盈盈 ( Crystal Fung)
    Directed by: 羅永賢
    Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: NC16
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 14 August 2019
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 5 DVDs 

  • As Time Goes By 好日子 (TVB Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 黃智賢 (Ben Wong)、陳煒 (Alice Chan)、張達倫 (Max Cheung)、黃淑儀 (Gigi Wong)、李國麟 (Joseph Lee)、車婉婉 (Stephanie Che)、翟威廉 (William Chak)、朱敏瀚 (Brian Chu)、簡淑兒 (Jessica Kan)、余思霆 (Stitch Yu)、古明華 (Jerry Ku)
    Directed by: 潘嘉德
    Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 5 September 2019
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

  • What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim 金秘書為何那樣 (Korean Drama DVD9)

    Starring: Park Seo Jun (朴敘俊) | Park Min Young (朴敏英) | Lee Tae Hwan (李泰煥)
    Directed by: Park Joon-hwa
    Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: CJ E&M
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 23 August 2019
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

  • My Commissioned Lover 婚姻合伙人 (TVB Drama DVD9)

    Starring: 楊明 (Mat Yeung)、高海寧 (Samantha Ko)、湯洛雯 (Roxanne Tong)、陸永 (Billy Luk)、黃淑儀 (Gigi Wong)、黃德斌 (Kenny Wong)、林秀怡 (Kirby Lam)、古明華 (Jerry Ku)、張嘉兒 (Kayi Cheung)、魯振順 (Henry Lo)
    Directed by: 潘嘉德
    Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 26 August 2019
    Production Year: 2017
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

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