• Ah Boys To Men 3: Frogmen 新兵正传III:蛙人传 (Singapore Movie DVD)

    Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang, 黄恺杰 Wesley Wong
    Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
    Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin

    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: MM2 Entertainment
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 16 October 2021
    Production Year: 2015
    Running Time: Approx. 148 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

    Blu-ray version can be found here
  • Ah Boys To Men 2 新兵正传II (Singapore Movie Blu-ray)

    Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 叶荣耀 Noah Yap, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang
    Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
    Audio Tracks: DTS-HD MA 5.1 Mandarin

    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: MM2 Entertainment
    Media Format: Blu-ray
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 16 October 2021
    Production Year: 2013
    Running Time: Approx. 113 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 Blu-ray

    DVD version can be found here
  • Ah Boys To Men 2 新兵正传II (Singapore Movie DVD)

    Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 叶荣耀 Noah Yap, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang
    Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
    Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin

    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: MM2 Entertainment
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 16 October 2021
    Production Year: 2013
    Running Time: Approx. 113 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

    Blu-ray version can be found here
  • Ah Boys To Men 新兵正传 (Singapore Movie Blu-ray)

    Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 叶荣耀 Noah Yap, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang, 刘谦益 Richard Low, 洪爱玲 Irene Ang
    Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
    Audio Tracks: DTS-HD MA 5.1 Mandarin

    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: MM2 Entertainment
    Media Format: Blu-ray
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 16 October 2021
    Production Year: 2012
    Running Time: Approx. 110 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 Blu-ray

    DVD version can be found here
  • Beyond the Great Wall 王昭君 (1964) (DVD – Fully Restored from the Original Film 數碼修復)

    Starring: 林黛 Linda Lin, 赵雷 Chao Lei, 李英 Li Ying、蒋光超 Chuang Guong Chau 、洪波 Hong Bo
    Directed By: Li Han Hsiang 李翰祥
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia
    Rated: PG
    Studio: Shaw Brothers
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 12 April 2021
    Production Year: 1964
    Running Time: Approx. 89 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • From Vegas to Macau II 賭城風雲II (DVD)

    Starring: 周潤發 Chow Yun Fat, 張家輝 Nick Cheung, 劉嘉玲 Carina Lau, 余文樂 Shawn Yue
    Directed By: 王晶 Wong Jing, 張敏 Aman Chang
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English

    Rated: PG13
    Studio: Shaw
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2015
    Production Year: 2015
    Running Time: Approx. 110 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西遊·降魔篇 (DVD)

    Starring: 舒淇 Shu Qi, 文章 Wen Zhang, 黄渤 Huang Bo, 羅志祥 Show Lo
    Directed By: 周星馳 Stephen Chow
    Audio Tracks: Cantonese Dolby Digital EX 5.1 Surround
    Subtitles: Chinese, English

    Rated: PG13
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2015
    Production Year: 2013
    Running Time: Approx. 110 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • Golden Brother 男人唔可以窮 (DVD)

    Starring: 黃宗澤 Bosco Wong, 陳偉霆 William Chan, 謝天華 Michael Tse, 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 金剛 King Kong, 趙榮 Zhao Rong, 陳嘉桓 Rose Chan, 洪天明 Timmy Hung, 廖啟智 Dick Liu, 李璨琛 Sam Lee
    Directed By: 鍾澍佳 Chung Shu-Kai
    Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
    Subtitles: Traditional / Simplified Chinese, English

    Rated: NC16
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2015
    Production Year: 2014
    Running Time: Approx. 104 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • A Chinese Ghost Story 倩女幽魂 (2011) DVD

    Starring: 古天乐 Louis Koo, 刘亦菲 Liu Yifei, 余少群 Yu Shaoqun, 惠英红 Kara Hui , 樊少皇 Louis Fan
    Directed By: Wilson Yip 叶伟信
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

    Rated: PG
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: 3
    Release Date: 2012
    Production Year: 2011
    Running Time: Approx. 98 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • Shock Wave 拆彈專家 (DVD)

    Starring: 劉德華 Andy Lau, 姜武 Jiang Wu, 宋佳 Song Jia, 姜皓文 Philip Keung, 吳卓羲 Ron Ng
    Directed By: 邱禮濤
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin
    Subtitles: Chinese, English

    Rated: PG13
    Studio: Clover
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2018
    Production Year: 2017
    Running Time: Approx. 119 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • Shadow 影 (4K UHD) (Temporarily Out of Stock)

    Starring: Deng Chao 邓超, Sun Li 孙俪, Zheng Kai 郑恺, Wang Qianyuan 王千源, Hu Jun 胡军, Guan Xiaotong 关晓彤, Leo Wu 吴磊, Wang Jingchun 王景春
    Directed by: 張藝謀
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin Dolby Atmos and English Dolby Digital 5.1
    Subtitles: English and Chinese

    Rated: NC16
    Studio: Clover Films
    Media Format: 4K
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 26 October 2020
    Production Year: 2018
    Running Time: Approx. 116 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 4K UHD

    Blu-ray version can be found here
    DVD version can be found here
  • Bounty Hunters 賞金獵人 (DVD)

    Starring: 李敏鎬 Lee Min Ho, 鍾漢良 Chung Hon Leung, 唐嫣 Tang Yan, 吳千語 Karen Ng, 樊少皇 Louis Fan, 徐正曦 Jeremy Jones Xu
    Directed by: 申太羅
    Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG
    Studio: Shaw
    Disc Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2017
    Production Year: 2016
    Running Time: Approx. 105 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • -197°C Murder 冰裸殺 (DVD)





    周瑾的出現無疑將案件引向了新的方向,而她似乎也即將成為下一個被殺害的目標。躲在暗處的兇手磨刀霍霍,獰笑著向他仇恨多年的女人們展開無情報復。 道德淪喪的時代,無所畏懼,命若草芥…

  • Enter the Fat Dragon 肥龍過江 (2020) (DVD)


  • Better Days 少年的你 (DVD)

    Produced by the magnificent team that bagged seven Golden Horse Awards nominations for Soul Mate, Better Days is the fruit of the reunion of Golden Horse Best Director nominee Derek Kwok-cheung Tsang and Best Actress Zhou Dongyu, and the addition of Jackson Yee from boy band TFBoys. Aspiring to enter the national top-most school as a way out of poverty, straight-A student Chen Nian (Zhou Dongyu) finds herself entangled in a deadly accident involving her classmate and subsequent excruciation. In her darkest hours Nian finds an unlikely ally in orphaned street youth Bei (Jackson Yee), and the two damaged souls form a unique bond. But as they graduate into the more complicated adult world, the innocent promise they once made to each other may no longer suffice to lead them out of the dark.


    金馬獎七項提名《七月與安生》原班團隊打造作品,金馬提名導演曾國祥與金馬影后周冬雨再度聯手,少年天團「TFBOYS」成員易烊千璽矚目加盟。 高材生陳念 (周冬雨 飾)夢想考上全國最高學府,改寫貧困命運,卻意外地捲入同班同學的離奇墮樓事件中,令她受盡煎熬。在她最孤立無援時,遇上邊緣少年小北 (易烊千璽 飾),兩個同樣孤獨 受傷的少年越走越近,闖進彼此的世界。但充 滿希望的少年時光逐漸蒙上來自成人世界的陰霾,「妳守護世界,我守護妳」的承諾可否令互相依靠的陳念和小北走出困境?

  • The White Storm 2 – Drug Lords 扫毒2天地对决 (4K UHD)


    In the quadripartite drug market in Hong Kong, Dizang (by Louis Koo) gradually expands his power across the border, meanwhile a chain of dog-eat dog events shock and bring the whole trade on high alert. Tin (by Andy Lau), now a financial tycoon, offers a bounty to eliminate the No.1 drug dealer. A final battle has broken out between the two tycoons which were once lesser-known brothers from the same triad.


    一场涉及全港的 “禁毒之战” 正式引爆

    本来四分天下的毒品市场,自黑帮「正兴」门生地藏与墨西哥大毒枭跨境合作扩展势力,再加上一连串的黑吃黑,弄得「毒界」风声鹤唳。另一边厢,因儿时亲睹父亲被毒品所毁而疾「毒」如仇的慈善家兼金融巨子余顺天(刘德华 饰),悬红一亿歼灭香港最大毒贩,在社会引起轩然大波。警员林正风(苗侨伟 饰)本致力搜证拘捕地藏(古天乐 饰),现因一亿悬红而需要保护人身安全受威胁的毒贩,深感无奈的同时,面对黑白正邪、孰是孰非,心理挣扎非常。原来,余顺天和地藏有不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决势必爆发。

  • The White Storm 2 – Drug Lords 扫毒2天地对决 (DVD)


    In the quadripartite drug market in Hong Kong, Dizang (by Louis Koo) gradually expands his power across the border, meanwhile a chain of dog-eat dog events shock and bring the whole trade on high alert. Tin (by Andy Lau), now a financial tycoon, offers a bounty to eliminate the No.1 drug dealer. A final battle has broken out between the two tycoons which were once lesser-known brothers from the same triad.


    一场涉及全港的 “禁毒之战” 正式引爆

    本来四分天下的毒品市场,自黑帮「正兴」门生地藏与墨西哥大毒枭跨境合作扩展势力,再加上一连串的黑吃黑,弄得「毒界」风声鹤唳。另一边厢,因儿时亲睹父亲被毒品所毁而疾「毒」如仇的慈善家兼金融巨子余顺天(刘德华 饰),悬红一亿歼灭香港最大毒贩,在社会引起轩然大波。警员林正风(苗侨伟 饰)本致力搜证拘捕地藏(古天乐 饰),现因一亿悬红而需要保护人身安全受威胁的毒贩,深感无奈的同时,面对黑白正邪、孰是孰非,心理挣扎非常。原来,余顺天和地藏有不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决势必爆发。

  • 黄金兄弟 Golden Job (DVD)

    獅王(鄭伊健飾)、火山(陳小春飾)、Bill (謝天華飾)淡定(錢嘉樂飾)、 老鼠(林曉峰飾)五個出生入死的兄弟,在恩師曹sir (曾志偉飾)的帶領下, 為了救濟兒童而偷取特效藥,卻慘遭設局,陷 入槍林彈雨的險境之中。 兄弟們抱著視死如歸的豪情,展開一連串的追查與激戰。他們明白,即使無法活著回來,也比一人活著痛快。
    Five years ago, a group of mercenaries disbanded after a failed mission. The quintet, led by Commander Rice, consisted of team leader Lion (Ekin Cheng), explosives expert Crater (Jordan Chan), intelligence officer Bill (Michael Tse), getaway driver Calm (Chin Ka-lok), and computer hacker Mouse (Jerry Lamb). Lion is now a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing medicine to supply the refugee camp where Dr. Chow (Charmaine Sheh) works. But a life-saving drug she needs is held by a foreign intelligence agency. held by a foreign intelligence agency. The group reunites to steal the drug only to realize….

  • 狄仁杰之四大天王 Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings (DVD)


    Mysterious events keep happening in Luoyang (capital of ancient China Tang Dynasty): warriors wearing totem masks perpetrate crime all around the city: the fox outside the bar begins to speak human language; dragons on the column of the palace come alive; the Heavenly Kings in the temple show its angry face. Dee (Mark Chao, Young Detective Dee: Ride of the Sea Dragon) needs to solve the puzzles behind the mysterious cases, while facing obstacles from Empress Wu (Carina Lau, Detective Dee series).

  • 黑白迷宮 Colour of the Game (DVD)




    Hong Kong has entered its darkest era. Gambler Wallace (Simon Yam) and his protégé Sky (Philip Ng) are ordered by their gang leader, Slaughter, to murder Robert, the son of mob boss Nigel. In order to fulfill the mission, Wallace puts together a team consisting of Sky; space racer Lily (Sabrina Qiu); explosive expert BBQ (Cheung Siu-fai); boxing champion Tyson (Jordan Chan), and the up-and-coming star of the mob, Superman. As the members begin to suspect there are moles within the team, the trust among them is destroyed. Wallace gradually realises that a huge conspiracy hides behind the mission.

  • 引爆者 Explosion (DVD)


    Zhao Xu Dong is a blaster technician in the mining town of Hongliang. When a mine explosion occurs underground and kills four workers, Zhao is left the sole survivor. Doubtful that the explosion was a mere accident, Zhao investigates further. However, miner Wang San Bai and mine owner Li Yi are murdered. As the body count increases, Zhao becomes the prime suspect, and he must use his skills as a blaster to clear his name.

  • Bleeding Steel 机器之血 (DVD)

    十三年前,在警局身居要職的林東不得不為了護送證人Dr. James而離開生命垂危的小女兒西西;十三年後,已經遠走國外的林東一直默默維護著少女Nancy的平靜生活,不時暗中出手相助。

    但是科幻小說《機器之血》的出版卻打破了這份平靜,Nancy身上的秘密終究被人察覺。無意中得到Nancy資料的李森突然出現,懷揣目的接近她的生活;而十三年前便妄圖擄走Dr. James的生化人安德烈也再次出手,多次纏鬥之後抓走Nancy。林東不得不以身犯險,帶著助手和李森前去解救。

    Thirteen years ago, Lindong, an UNSS agent who was involved in protecting Dr James as well as his scientific discovery had to leave his sick and dying daughter Xixi during a mission. Since then, Lindong has gone abroad under another identity and silently protects a girl Nancy (who is actually Xi Xi under another identity) from afar.

    But the publication of the new sci-fi novel – Bleeding Steel broke the peace. The secret behind Nancy’s survival is threatening her safety. Leeson (Show Lo) appears on the pretext of befriending Xi Xi and protecting her. Cyborg Andre who killed Dr James and was heavily injured by Lindong thirteen years ago tries to capture Nancy in hope of finding a remedy for his injuries through her. Lindong risks his life and tries to rescue Nancy with his assistant and Leeson.

  • Manhunt 追捕 (DVD)

    故事講述公正不阿的律師杜丘 (張涵予 飾),意外地捲入一宗兇殺案當中,而兇案現場所有證據皆直指向他,杜丘心知被羅織構陷,明知犯險亦要拒捕並親自查明真相。警方總動員展開全面通緝,具有多年查案經驗的警探矢村 (福山雅治 飾),開始調查後不久便思疑這完美殺人佈局當中似乎另有內情。在矢村追捕杜丘的過程當中,一兵一賊竟發展出一段惺惺相惜的情誼,然而矢村卻一直未能完全相信杜丘。到底真兇是否真的另有其人?兇案背後又是否隱藏著驚世大陰謀?

    Manhunt follows the journey of upstanding lawyer Du Qiu (Zhang Hanyu), who is unwittingly drawn into a murder case when all the evidence at the scene points to him being the perpetrator. Knowing that he’s been framed by Luo Zhi, Du Qiu runs from the law to uncover the truth. The police launch a large-scale manhunt, but veteran detective Yamura (Masaharu Fukuyama) sees that this seemingly open-and-shut case is not that simple after all. During the intense pursuit, a bond begins to build between the fugitive and his pursuer, even though Yamura knows that he can’t fully trust Du Qiu. Is the real killer lurking elsewhere? Is there a hidden conspiracy behind the murder?

  • The Mysterious Family 神秘家族 (DVD)

    The Mysterious Family is a 2017 Chinese suspense film written and directed by Park Yu-hwan. The film was inspired by a homicide case that occurred in Fujian, in 2014. The film stars Ariel Lin, Jiang Wu, Kara Hui, Chen Xiao and Lan Cheng-lung.

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