• Always Be With You 常在你左右 (DVD)

    Always Be With You is a 2017 Hong Kong horror film written and directed by Herman Yau. It is the 20th installment in the Troublesome Night film series. The film stars Louis Koo, Julian Cheung, Gordon Lam, Charlene Choi and Charmaine Sheh.

  • Zombiology: Enjoy Yourself Tonight 今晚打喪屍 (DVD)

    Lung (starring Michael Ning) and Chi-Yeung (starring Louis Cheung) are two eccentric hot-blooded young men leading a devil-may-care life. They deem themselves as heroes that can ….. Why “Enjoy Yourself Tonight” when there are undead corpses running after you? Or does the enjoyment belong to the zombies ?《今晚打丧尸》是一部2017年由新晋导演卢炜麟执导的香港丧尸电影,并由《打擂台》导演郑思杰监制,它主要是根据香港畅销小说《今晚打丧尸》改编而成,电影故事之世界观是与小说互相紧扣,这部丧尸电影是香港近年少有集科幻、恐怖、动作、感情以及搅笑于一身的片类。在演员方面,也将年轻新一代的偶像明星(白只、张继聪、颜卓灵、王敏奕)与当年香港吒咤一时的巨星(万梓良、吴家丽)集结一起,互相斗戏,擦出火花。

  • The Brink 狂兽 (DVD)

    Reckless police inspector Dong (Zhang Jin) is on a mission to crack down on criminal Cheng’s (Shawn Yue) gold smuggling scheme, yet fails to arrest him. As Dong continues his manhunt, he discovers Cheng’s involvement with triad boss Boss Kui (Yasuaki Kurata), who hides on casino cruise ship on the high seas.

    Cheng has been involved in a power struggle within the smuggling ring, and is force to kill his adopted father. He also loses his share of gold smuggling to Boss Kui. To get even, Cheng appears on the cruise, but Dong is there to hunt him down…

  • The Tag-Along 2 红衣小女孩2 (DVD)

    The Tag-Along 2 is a 2017 Taiwanese horror film directed by Cheng Wei-hao. It is a sequel to The Tag-Along (2015), which is adapted from the well-known Taiwanese urban legend, “The Little Girl in Red”. The film stars Rainie Yang, Hsu Wei-ning, Francesca Kao, Lung Shao-hua and River Huang. The film was a commercial success, grossing NT$105.7 million (US$3.59 million) domestically against its NT$45 million (US$1.53 million) budget.
    《紅衣小女孩2》是一部改編自台灣家喻戶曉的都市傳說、靈異事件「紅衣小女孩」的同名電影《紅衣小女孩》的續集 ,為《紅衣小女孩》三部曲第二部。 由楊丞琳、許瑋甯、高慧君、龍劭華、 黃河、吴念轩領銜主演。

  • Sky Hunter 空天猎 (DVD)

    Sky Hunter is a Chinese war film directed by Li Chen. It is Li's directorial debut. The film is produced in collaboration with People's Liberation Army Air Force and is China's first aerial warfare film. The plot centers on an elite group of Chinese soldiers that thwart a terrorist plot and resolve a hostage crisis.

  • Reset 逆时营救 (DVD)

    Reset is a 2017 Chinese science fiction thriller film produced by Jackie Chan and directed by Korean director Chang; starring Yang Mi and Wallace Huo. The story follows a scientist who uses an experimental universe-hopping/time-travel technology to save her son from being killed. 《逆时营救》是由成龙监制,杨幂、霍建华领衔主演,金士杰、刘畅、张艺瀚等主演的科幻动作电影。该片讲述了单亲妈妈夏天为救被崔琥绑架的儿子,不断返回1小时50分钟前的故事。

  • Mon Mon Mon Monsters 報告老師!怪怪怪怪物!(DVD)

    Mon Mon Mon Monsters is a 2017 Taiwanese horror-comedy film written, directed and co-produced by Giddens Ko. It premiered as the closing film for the 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival in April 2017.

  • The Mysterious Family 神秘家族 (DVD)

    The Mysterious Family is a 2017 Chinese suspense film written and directed by Park Yu-hwan. The film was inspired by a homicide case that occurred in Fujian, in 2014. The film stars Ariel Lin, Jiang Wu, Kara Hui, Chen Xiao and Lan Cheng-lung.

  • Who Killed Cock Robin 目擊者 (DVD)

    Who Killed Cock Robin is a 2017 Taiwanese crime mystery thriller film written and directed by Cheng Wei-hao. The film follows a journalist who unravels a series of mysteries as he investigates a long-forgotten hit-and-run accident that occurred nine years ago. Who Killed Cock Robin was Cheng’s second collaboration with star Hsu Wei-ning after The Tag-Along. The film also stars Kaiser Chuang, Ko Chia-yen, Christopher Lee and Mason Lee.

  • The Devotion of Suspect X 嫌疑人X的献身 (DVD)

    The Devotion of Suspect X is a 2017 Chinese mystery-thriller film based on the novel, The Devotion of Suspect X, written by Keigo Higashino. The film is second film directed by Alec Su, and stars Wang Kai, Zhang Luyi, and Ruby Lin.

  • Manhunt 追捕 (DVD)

    故事講述公正不阿的律師杜丘 (張涵予 飾),意外地捲入一宗兇殺案當中,而兇案現場所有證據皆直指向他,杜丘心知被羅織構陷,明知犯險亦要拒捕並親自查明真相。警方總動員展開全面通緝,具有多年查案經驗的警探矢村 (福山雅治 飾),開始調查後不久便思疑這完美殺人佈局當中似乎另有內情。在矢村追捕杜丘的過程當中,一兵一賊竟發展出一段惺惺相惜的情誼,然而矢村卻一直未能完全相信杜丘。到底真兇是否真的另有其人?兇案背後又是否隱藏著驚世大陰謀?

    Manhunt follows the journey of upstanding lawyer Du Qiu (Zhang Hanyu), who is unwittingly drawn into a murder case when all the evidence at the scene points to him being the perpetrator. Knowing that he’s been framed by Luo Zhi, Du Qiu runs from the law to uncover the truth. The police launch a large-scale manhunt, but veteran detective Yamura (Masaharu Fukuyama) sees that this seemingly open-and-shut case is not that simple after all. During the intense pursuit, a bond begins to build between the fugitive and his pursuer, even though Yamura knows that he can’t fully trust Du Qiu. Is the real killer lurking elsewhere? Is there a hidden conspiracy behind the murder?

  • 英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow (DVD)

    性格刚烈强硬执拗的周凯,年幼丧母,因父亲粗暴脾气管制而出海做了水手,常跑日本路线,后来跟水手兄弟马珂一起加入了走私犯罪团伙。二人虽身在走私犯罪团伙,但是仍有正义感,做事有原则。后来周凯被犯罪团伙同伴皮筋陷害被抓入狱。周凯的弟弟周超从小视哥哥为偶像,并不知道哥哥的犯罪活动。从警校刚刚毕业进入刑警队后,正意气风发的时候却亲眼目睹周凯被抓,经历父亲被害,从此对哥哥怀有很深的恨意。 周凯出狱后找到马珂,才知道马珂去日本找到了皮筋,为自己报了仇而弄残了一条腿,同时也在等他回来重新开始。但是周凯已经和当年不一样,不想再做回老本行,他决心开始新的生活,不再去报复,去试着做一个好人。 走私犯罪团伙得知周凯出狱后,想拉拢周凯继续从事犯罪活动,并使用了一些更毒辣的手段逼周凯就犯,兄弟三人的命运从此发生了改变……

    Director John Woo changed the face of action cinema in 1986 with A Better Tomorrow. Director Ding Sheng resurrects the spirit of that timeless, iconic classic with a brand-new chapter of the heroic bloodshed saga. Two brothers – Kai and Chao – are on opposite sides of the law. Kai heads up a smuggling operation, while his younger brother, Chao, is an up-and-coming star in the police department’s narcotics division. Chao has looked up to his older brother all his life, but after a botched drug deal leads to the death of their father, Chao swears off all contact with Kai.

  • 芳华 Youth (DVD)


    HE XIAOPING faces discrimination because of a family scandal. She hopes to start over in a new place, but finds that the shame has followed her to Chengdu. LIU FENG is well-liked within the group but he has unrequited crush on the lead solo LIN DINGDING. Liu Feng experiences the pain of rejection and is expelled from the group when he makes an unwelcomed advance on her. He Xiaoping is heartbroken because she had secret feelings for Liu Feng…

    Each of the members of the art troupe all learn lessons in this coming-of-age story. Their paths have led to different places and different experiences.

  • 引爆者 Explosion (DVD)


    Zhao Xu Dong is a blaster technician in the mining town of Hongliang. When a mine explosion occurs underground and kills four workers, Zhao is left the sole survivor. Doubtful that the explosion was a mere accident, Zhao investigates further. However, miner Wang San Bai and mine owner Li Yi are murdered. As the body count increases, Zhao becomes the prime suspect, and he must use his skills as a blaster to clear his name.

  • 黑白迷宮 Colour of the Game (DVD)




    Hong Kong has entered its darkest era. Gambler Wallace (Simon Yam) and his protégé Sky (Philip Ng) are ordered by their gang leader, Slaughter, to murder Robert, the son of mob boss Nigel. In order to fulfill the mission, Wallace puts together a team consisting of Sky; space racer Lily (Sabrina Qiu); explosive expert BBQ (Cheung Siu-fai); boxing champion Tyson (Jordan Chan), and the up-and-coming star of the mob, Superman. As the members begin to suspect there are moles within the team, the trust among them is destroyed. Wallace gradually realises that a huge conspiracy hides behind the mission.

  • 黄金花 Tomorrow Is Another Day (DVD)


    Mrs Wong regards her family above everything but her husband falls in love with a woman with almonds eye. To save herself from becoming a loser, Wong comes up with a revenge plan to kill this almond-eyed woman. Unfortunately, her secret plan is accidentally exposed by Mrs Chan and her other housewife friends. They are shocked at first and gradually change to support her. The revenge plan seems to turn into a journey for reinvigorating their youth. As the target is getting nearer, a sign from Heaven lets Wong come to a sudden awakening. To become a woman who never loses again, there are actually better ways…

  • 简单的婚礼 The Big Day (DVD)

    从殡葬业小老板–许诺言,选择和潜水教练女友–安纾语踏上红地毯的那一端开始,面对的就是未知的未来。 理想中,小两口要的是一场简简单单的婚礼;现实中,却是一个又一个不简单的障碍在等待着他们。不简单的家长、不简单的大耳窿、外加一位一点都不简单的新郎女性好友。再加上婚礼当天,一场不简单的爆炸、一场不简单的葬礼,小两口想要一场简单的婚礼,谈何容易。婚礼到底是爱情的坟墓,还是白头偕老的天堂呢?

    When Su Yu, a free-spirited personal trainer and diving instructor, says “Yes” to Nuo Yan, a modern funeral director, she imagines a simple, peaceful wedding. But the reality is just the opposite! From overbearing in-laws, to oppressive loansharks, to a jealous best friend, to a house on fire and a funeral on the wedding day itself, Su Yu and Nuo Yan’s love for each other is tested by family, foes, and fate. Will their wedding be the event that brings them closer or tears them apart?

  • Sky Hunter 空天猎 (DVD)

    Wu Di (Lu Chen), Ya Li (Fan Bing Bing), Ling Weifeng (Wang Qian Yuan), Hao Chen (Li Jia Hang), are air force pilots. During the parade, they receive a sudden test to be selected to train in the air force’s secret base called Sky Hunter. Wu Di and Ling Weifeng passed the test, whereas Hao Chen was eliminated. Through a series of training, Wu Di and four other soldiers made it to the Sky Hunter secret base. However, news broke that Hao Chen has been captured by the rebel army of B country. Wu Di leads several recruits and receives a video of Hao Chen from B Country. Ling Weifeng promised Wu Di to attack B Country and rescue Hao Chen. An air war was imminently brewing…


    一场空天战场的猎杀传奇。霸天狼,一支神秘的空军顶级团队,每一名飞行员都是“金头盔” 级别的王牌飞行员,吴迪(李晨饰)、亚莉(范冰冰饰)、巴图(郭洺宇饰)、高原(李晨浩饰)通过层层考核,成为了霸天狼秘密基地的一员。可谁也没有想到,吴迪的好友浩 辰(李佳航饰)却在任务中陷入一场境外战乱的阴谋。更大的威胁接踵而至,恐怖势力突 发其来的导弹危机和人质危机,空前地挑战着中国空军的实战能力!十万火急之下,最新式 的中国战机和最顶级的飞行员,与掌握导弹密码和先进战机的敌人,在境外天空展开一场生死对决……

  • RESET 逆时营救 (DVD)

    Xia Tienis a single mother who works as an associate researcher, helping to complete a technology that can allow people to go back in time. One day, her son is kidnapped by a mysterious man and she was forced to hand over her life’s work. She takes a risk and travels to a time an hour and fifty minutes earlier in hopes of saving her son where shemeets 3 of her own selves.



  • Pegasus 飞驰人生 (DVD)

    Zhang Chi, a hubris and dominating six-time racing champion, falls from grace following a crisis. After a five-year suspension from the motorsport, the now single-father to a six-year-old boy throws down the gauntlet once again to a younger generation of racing geniuses, and vows to regain his past glory. With few years left in a professional career at almost forty, the father-and-son duo braves a brand-new world of auto-racing which puts them into some rather ironic situations. To guard the honor and a father’s promise to his son, Zhang Chi regroups with his former teammates on the journey back to the race course. Together they roll with the punches and launch a serious attack for the championship. An old-time racing champion tries to come back to the race track…





  • -197°C Murder 冰裸殺 (DVD)





    周瑾的出現無疑將案件引向了新的方向,而她似乎也即將成為下一個被殺害的目標。躲在暗處的兇手磨刀霍霍,獰笑著向他仇恨多年的女人們展開無情報復。 道德淪喪的時代,無所畏懼,命若草芥…

  • Bad Girls 女孩壞壞 (DVD)

    S.H.E偶像Ella (陈嘉桦) 以韩式野蛮女生的姿态,在大银幕中首度担当女主角,在《女孩坏坏》与偶像剧小生贺军翔大谈恋爱!其他演員有林盈臻(大元)、方志友、宥勝、高捷、潘麗麗、麵包大師吳寶春、畢曉海、朱陸豪、北村豐晴、應蔚民(小應)、許時豪、潘親御等人共同演出。

  • iGirl 夢情人 (DVD)

    Starring: Ekin Cheng 郑伊健, Chrissie Chau 周秀娜, Dominic Ho 何浩文, Connie Man 文凯玲, Lam Chi-Chung 林子聪, Joyce Cheng 郑欣宜
    Directed by: 闞家偉 Kan Jia Wei
    Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG13
    Studio: Shaw
    Disc Format: NTSC
    Region Code:All Countries
    Release Date: 2016
    Production Year: 2016
    Running Time: Approx. 95 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

  • Bounty Hunters 賞金獵人 (DVD)

    Starring: 李敏鎬 Lee Min Ho, 鍾漢良 Chung Hon Leung, 唐嫣 Tang Yan, 吳千語 Karen Ng, 樊少皇 Louis Fan, 徐正曦 Jeremy Jones Xu
    Directed by: 申太羅
    Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: English, Chinese
    Rated: PG
    Studio: Shaw
    Disc Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2017
    Production Year: 2016
    Running Time: Approx. 105 mins
    No. of Disc: 1 DVD

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