Under The Veil 無雙譜 (TVB Drama DVD)

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Starring: 黎耀祥 Wayne Lai、黃宗澤 Bosco Wong、田蕊妮 Kristal Tin、黃浩然 Raymond Wong、 郭羨妮 Sonija Kwok、岑麗香 Eliza Sam、龔嘉欣 Katy Kung、李國麟 Joseph Lee
Directed by: 羅鎮岳
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2015
Production Year: 2014
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDs 

SKU: LDV0449 Categories: ,

Synopsis 剧情简介

Nothing is fixed and permanent; everthing is subject to change and alteration. Even if people look alike, they will have completely different experiences subject to things constructed by their mind. “Under The Veil” is the television adaptation of three Chinese folklores, denoting the true path to enlightenment.

“The Harpin” During KING HEI reign of Song, the crown prince (Stanley Cheung) dispatches TUEN FUNG-SAN (Kristal Tin) on a secret mission to sneak into the Liao Dynasty to gather evidence while suspecting his maternal uncle plans to launch a coup, so FUNG-SAM’s twin younger sister, TUEN SO-SZE (Kristal Tin), offers to be his double for the time being. Although they manage to fool the others, FUNG-SAM’s wife stars getting suspicious of her husband. Just as SO-SZE is busy trying to takle the problems one after another, she on the other hand runs into her ex-lover YUEN SUM-YEUNG (Raymond Wong) again, making her feel enormously overwhelmed. Unfortunagely, SUM-YEUNG forgets everything that has happened in the past due to a serious illness. Following the sudden disappearance of the crown prince, SZE LOI-FUNG (Katy Kung), a spirit bird, reveals the information through FUNG-SAM’s Dream and all of them thereby embark on a thrilling, adventure-filled journey in search of the crown prince. With SO-SZE’s life in danger after suffering a huge blow, SUM-YEUNG eventually recalls everything, and is overtaken by sorrow….

“Judge Luk” When the severe flooding in the capital spreads further to the Ten Kings Temple, scholar CHU YEE-TAN (Wayne Lai) spares no effort to save the statue of JUDGE LUK (Willie Wai), thus forming ties with JUDGE LUK. Having gone through the miracle process of the resurrection, YEE-TAN comes back from death to reunite with his wife WAN-CHU (Sonija Kwok) back home, only to find out that they have been estranged from each other. Going to a brothel to drown his sorrows in alcohol, YEE-TAN encounters a famous prostitute called YAT PAN HEUNG (Sonija Kwok), and the two hit it off right away. Out of the blue, YEE-TAN wants JUDGE LUK to transplant the head from WAN-CHU to YAT PAN HEUNG and vice versa. YEE-YAN immediately regrets it and starts missing his meticulous housewife, WAN-CHU. All of a sudden, the brothel catches on fire, so YEE-TAN struggles to try to rescue his wife, requesting JUDGE LUK to switch back the heads. Unfortunately, the process is full of twists and turns…

“The Carp Fairy” CHUENG SHUN’s (Bosco wong) family is brought low, leaving him in straitened circumstances. As the day of marrying his betrothed HUNG MAU-TAN (Eliza Sam) is aroung the corner, CHEUNG CHUN cannot help but go to the Hung family in person to deal with the arrangement. On his way there, he saves a carp called LAU YEE (Eliza Sam), who cannot bear to part with her savior, and thereby secretly follows CHUN to the Hung family by water. TAN looks down on CHUN because CHUN is penniless, showing insincerity by providing a shed to accommodate him. In order to g et close to CHUN, YEE turns herself into to shape of YEE to stay with CHUN at night, and slowly their love grows. Following a serendipitous event, CHUN manages to uphold justice for the villagers and becomes their hero. Surprisingly, TAN starts showing interest in him. For fear of losing CHUN, YEE transforms herself into the shape of TAN, kicking up trouble in the Hung family, where no one is able to identify the real MAU-TAN. Meanwhile, YEE, for the sake of love, is willing to take up the challenge laid down by the heavens so as to verify her true love for CHUN….





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