The Greatness of A Hero 盛世仁傑 (TVB Drama DVD)

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Starring: 鄭則士 Kent Cheng、陳錦鴻 Sunny Chan、郭羨妮 Sonija Kwok、廖碧兒 Bernice Liu、 黎耀祥 Wayne Lai、陳秀珠 Rebecca Chan、唐寧 Leila Kong、李香琴 Lee Heung-kam
Directed by: 梁材遠 Leung Choi Yuen
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2009
Production Year: 2008
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVD

SKU: LDV0251 Categories: ,

Synopsis 剧情简介

左堂御氏大夫狄仁傑 (鄭則士) 向來深得武則天 (陳秀珠) 重用, 天的侄兒武承嗣 (黎耀祥) 一直視他為死敵, 為除之而後快, 嗣誣衊傑利用女兒狄青鸞 (廖碧兒) 丈夫宋庭玉 (陳錦鴻) 的江湖網絡 , 勾結李氏宗室, 密謀逼武則天退位。 傑百辭莫辯之際, 嗣更煽動天囚禁傑一家, 傑在危急關頭雖得以逃脫, 但嗣則威脅殺傑的繼室曹月 (郭羨妮) 逼他就範, 令這位剛正廉明, 執法不阿的一代名臣頓時落入兩難境地, 眼見至親身陷險境卻無能為力, 縱有機智敏慧卻難解奸臣謀權篡位之危……

TIK YAN KIT (Cheng Jut Si), one of the most celebrated chancellors, is greatly trusted by Empress MO TSAK TIN (Chan Sau Chu). TIN’s nephew MO SHING CHI (Lai Yiu Cheung) is jealous and he seeks every opportunity to frame him up. CHI accuses KIT for colluding with his daughter TIK CHING LUEN’s (Liu Bernice Jan) husband SUNG TING YUK (Chan Kam Hung) of treason and an attempt to subvert TIN’s throne. KIT is left speechless and his family members are all seized in order to TIN has been incited to action by CHI. KIT escapes in chaos but CHI threatens to kill his second wife CHO YUET (Sonija Kwok). The incorruptible and intelligent KIT is miserably caught in a dilemma and he feels helpless in every way. Would KIT be able to conquer the traitors eventually and help restore order from a tragic turnaround?

Trailer 预告片

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