2 × SGD$48.90
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2 × SGD$34.90
1 × SGD$22.90
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$39.90
Devil’s Disciples 強劍 (TVB Drama DVD)
SGD$55.90SGD$79.90 (-30%)
Starring: Kevin Cheng 鄭嘉穎, Bosco Wong 黃宗澤, Bernice Liu 廖碧兒, Sharon Chan 陳敏之, Shirley Yeung 楊思琦, Wayne Lai 黎耀祥
Directed by: Lau Kar Ho 劉家豪
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2007
Production Year: 2005
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDs
正與邪 誰可定斷 愛和恨 無人能辨
Synopsis 剧情简介
The Sacred Sword Sect, the most prestigious kung-fu cult in the martial world, would like to recruit students into a course on the long-lost “Big Dipper Array”. The fresh-faced SHING FUNG (WONG CHUNG CHAK, BOSCO) and the aloof-looking KING LUI (CHENG, KEVIN) are both admitted to the Sect.
In the meantime, the vicious Bloody Shadow Sect, which was once destroyed, comes to life again. The newly appointed leader MOK MAN (CHAN MAN CHI, SHARON), along with her disciples, suddenly comes to attack the Sacred Sword Sect. FUNG is seriously injured, but with the help of SHUI LING (YEUNG SZE KI, SHIRLEY), who is a good friend of his and a member of the Unity Clan, he manages to survive.
FUNG makes a notable progress with his kung-fu skills after his recovery. The leader of the Scared Sword Sect PAK TONG NGO (KO HUNG, EDDY), also known as the Saint of Sword, thinks highly of FUNG and is going to marry off his daughter PAK TONG CHI-LUNG (LIU, BERNICE JAN) to the lad. Just before the wedding, FUNG is found to be MAN’s twin brother – the heir to an atrocious kung-fu cult. FUNG has been an ardent admirer of the Sacred Sword Sect but the disclosure of his true identity has pushed him into a dilemma between righteousness and evil. And LUI, who has a love-hate relationship with MAN, also gets caught up in a painful struggle?
武林第一正派聖劍門招收弟子修煉失傳已久的天玄北鬥陣陣法︒江湖小子成風 (黃宗澤) 和冷傲孤高的荊磊 (鄭嘉穎) 先後考入了聖劍門︒與此同時︐邪派血影教死灰複燃︐新任教主女魔頭莫問 (陳敏之) 帶領弟子突襲聖劍門 ︐風重傷︐幸得好友︑天一族族人水靈 (楊思琦) 幫助才能走出鬼門關︒風傷愈後武功大進︐更獲掌門︐人稱劍聖的北堂傲 (高雄) 將女兒北堂紫瓏 (廖碧兒) 許配給他︒但在大婚之前︐風被揭發與問是雙生姊弟︐是邪教之子︕自幼仰慕聖劍門的風自此於正︑邪之間苦苦掙紮︔而對問又愛又恨的磊︐亦陷入了進退兩難之境……